<BGSOUND SRC="/donna535/Missingu.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Devon Tyson
Joshua about a month or
two before he died.
Joshua was born on a Monday Morning at 10:17 a.m. on October 5, 1987 in Winnfield, Louisiana to Donna
Howard & Ricky Johnson. His Grandparents are Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Tyson Howard.
Joshua's Birthday Poster
Joshua enjoyed going to church and school and
playing with his best friend Adam.
Joshua died on a Monday night at 9:00 p.m. on
March 20, 1995.  He was 7 years old.
Joshua is very much missed by his mother, his sister Jennifer, his father, his Grandmother and Grandfather Howard, a number of Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and Friends.
D'Realm of D'SwampKitty
I have always heard that when someone died
they had finished their job that Our Heavenly
Father had sent them to earth to do.
How could someone not be happy with alittle boy that just wanted to be a HERO.
He was always wanting to do anything if it would make him be a hero.  He would eat spinach straight out of the can but the can had to have popeyes picture on it and he would eat a whole jar of mushrooms cause they gave Mario his strength.  He wanted to take karate lessons because he liked  the ninja turtles but when we got there he ran outside and when I got to him he was crying cause he thought he would have to hurt someone so we went home.  He was always drawing and alot of his pictures was of Jesus beating up the devil.  He won 1st place at the city library for a drawing he did of Little Red Riding Hood when he was about 4 years old cause his preschool teacher believed in his art.  Of course it looked like a 4 year old drew it.    Him and his sister didn't fight like alot of siblings do.  He just seemed  afraid of hurting anybody.   Now he could get mad and when he did he wouldn't talk to much.  He was most always thinking of others.
Joshua you will always be my little HERO
The night that Joshua died he was watching the disney cartoon Robin Hood and he liked to play like he was Robin Hood and he even had a costume.  But that night he was playing and he accidentally hung himself with a bed sheet in his Grandma's bedroom.  The sheet wasn't tight around his neck but it gagged him and he choked .
He had a very special funeral and they even had Young Teenagers that worked with the city Police Dept. be his Pallbearers.   I remember seeing the kids but I don't remember awhole lot.   I do remember a young friend of ours that had been in St. Judes Hospital brought Josh a Guardian Angel ring and I put on his finger.  And all the balloons and stuffed animals that were brought for him were put in beside him, also.
Joshua playing Nintendo
Joshua swinging in his baby swing
Joshua liked posing for the camera