Welcome to TwoTaylors Home Page

Alan & Susan Taylor

Greetings and thanks for visiting our humble site. Please stop back often, as we'll be building for a while, and updating (hopefully) often.

We pray for the family and friends of those who have given their lives and been wounded while protecting the world. We also pray that those involved in perpetrating terrorist and other such acts against the United States, Israel, the Iraqi people and the rest of the world would sincerely repent and be drawn to Yeshua Ha-Mashiach (Jesus) in a new and special way. May G-d have mercy on us all.

We are somewhat recently graduated (2005) "ex-seminarians" who attendied Biblical [Theological] Seminary studying counseling, chaplaincy & ministry. It was been a challenging and tiring experience, with excellent - even brilliant - faculty training us (both here and at the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF)/Westminister Seminary). We have interned at a retirement community as chaplain assistants and were race track chaplains at wonderful tracks in New Mexico (Ruidoso Downs) and Minnesota (Canterbury Park). We have Master's degrees in Ministry; Sue also has a Master's degree in Christian Thought (theology) while Alan has a Master of Divinity degree. Sue began studying for her Master of Library Science degree but finding the program and her schedule wanting, has shelved that.

We both enjoy cooking, reading, watching (or reading) mysteries and science fiction (particularly Tony Hillerman, Steven Saylor, Agatha Christie, Perter Tremayne, Ellis Peters, Elizabeth Peters (no relation - and it's a pen name, anyway), Stargate SG-1, Babylon 5, Deep Space Nine and Dr. Who - he's back!) and traveling. We really enjoy historical mysteries and Alan also likes (especially the late) Patrick O'Brian's seafaring novels. Sue loves to bake and generally helping people however she can. As part of her internship Sue began development of a women's ministry in order to encourage women to interact with each other more, to be more of a community and not be as isolated. This seems to have worked! Alan also likes to write, but a bit less "creative", more academic or practical ministry pieces. He is also a Mensan and photographer.

Our motto - well, one of them - is "No one leaves hungry."

Interesting things: we lived in Ruidoso Downs, New Mexico in the summer of 2000 as chaplains at the beautiful (and beautifully placed!) race track there. In the summer of 2001 we ministered in Minnesota (Land of OVER 10,000 lakes!) in Shakopee, home of Canterbury Park Race Track. We were blessed to be able to serve G-d and his people in the chaplaincy program at both of these race tracks. We did this through the Race Track Chaplaincy of America. It is exciting, interesting and challenging, and your prayers for future chaplaincy ministry would be appreciated!
But, it is time for a break, at least from doing it full time summers. Alan was Director of Care Ministries at East Swamp Church in Quakertown, PA for a time but the position was defunded and he simply volunteers some time now. Sue does occasional counseling but mainly mentors and teaches women's Bible studies (as well as being part of the Women's Ministry Board). Sue works as a library assistant at the seminary. Even after all this time, we miss the people and the "work" of race track/chaplaincy ministry! (P.S. Visit New Mexico. It really is an Enchanting Land!)

For more about our motto, click here

We firmly believe that belief in Yeshua Ha-Mashiach (Jesus of Nazareth) is the only sure way to G-d. He says so! Faith in Him is the most reasonable and rational alternative out there. While G-d never promises to take us out of real life and give us a bed of roses, he does provide inner peace and joy while living a truly real life! We had been attending Congregation Beth Yeshua in Philadelphia, but not since Alan has been called to be on staff at East Swamp Church. While Alan is no longer on staff he still does some counseling. Sue is on the Women's Ministry Board, co-teaches a bible study, and is working on fostering spiritual growth & discipleship (being a devoted follower of Jesus) among the women.

Congratulations to the 2006 Plattsburgh State (NY) Women's Cardinals on winning the Division III Women's Ice Hockey Chapionship! They posted and UNDEFEATED season, winning 27 games (tying two.) By the way they also won their second in a row ECAC Championship!

Hat's off too for the PSUC Men's basketball team, who won the SUNYAC Championhsip again this year.

Please pray for the peace of Jerusalem [and the region] as we are instructed to do by G-d in his Word.

Sources for News Concerning the Middle East Please don't count on network or cable news coverage to report completely and accurately, though Fox seems to be doing a pretty good job in many respects these days. Check out these:
The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America
The Middle East Media and Research Institute
A Journalist living in the Middle East for over 20 years
Arutz News Agency - known for getting their facts straight

And thanks for continuing to excuse the messiness of some of our pages. Although not in school (well, Alan is taking a philosophy course in Logic), life is still busy. Funny how that happens.

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Links to other sites on the Web:

Biblical Theological Seminary

Library Books
University at Albany

SUNY College at Plattsburgh

Messiah College

Food! (great recipes, etc.)
Cooking Page
Chaplain Page
Library Books Page
Biblical Studies
Counseling Books
Some More Books (Christian/Seminary/Theology)!
Some Books on Writing
Messianic and Related Books
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Studies Page
Karl Barth Studies Page
Some Good Books Not Categorized (including the Aubrey-Maturin and Hornblower series!)
(Palm) PDA Goodies!
"Negro Spirituals" Site!
Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation
Caspari Center (for Christian-Judaic Dialogues)
Laridian for your "Palm"
Other Books - Coming Soon!
Scholarship searching here!
Commitment, an e-zine for women
International Messianic Jewish Alliance
Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations
Messianic Jewish Alliance of America
International Alliance of Messianic Jewish Congregations and Synagogues
Yeshiva of South Shore
Pennsylvania Jobs
Pennsylvania Employment Opportunities
New York Dept. of Labor
New York Dept. Civil Service
Pennsylvania Counseling Association
Parenting Books
Clean High-Speed Dial-up provided by Integrity 

Please drop us a line to let us know you visited. You can reach us at: twotaylors_97@yahoo.com

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don't lean on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6

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