If you would like
to join this ring please read all
the guidelines before
you register for this webring.
How this works
This is a fun club.
As a member you are required to sign the guest book when it is another
members birthday. This is what the club is about. You will be sent a newsletter
notifying you when it is someones birthday.
Please go and sign the guest book, If you
don't your name will be removed.
Because this
club webring is an active web ring we do have some rules.
To save you any embarrasment
or if you get upset in the future
read them NOW.
If you agree to the
all the rules then
you can fill out the application form.
rules listed below are seperate to the rules for your particpation in the
club. Please read both sets of rules.
reserve the right to remove your site from the ring if the content of your
site would be inappropriate for families and children.I will not accept
wiccan sites, witch-craft, pornography,or sites that have foul language.
#1 You must be a member for three months after
your birthday
#2 Please try to give me thirty days before
your birthday, before you apply. Thank you.
#3 * You only have 7
days to get the html fragment on your page
otherwise you will be automatically removed from the ring queue and you
will have to submit your site again....you may not get the same ID number
if this happens. If for some reason you are unable to get the code up in
that time frame please email me to let me know this and I will prevent
the system from removing you from the queue!
Please NO sites with racism,or just a page of links. I will not accept
sites that are "under construction" or new sites that have not "moved in
yet", there must be some page content.
If you put your code on a "webring page" please make sure there is access
to and from that page. Please make sure that the webring page is accessable
from your main page, people don't like to hunt for the ring.
Please DO NOT alter the html fragment in anyway! This includes graphics,
font sizes or ring configuration. Anyone who alters this webring without
permission from the Ringmistress will receive a warning via email if the
problem is not corrected you will be removed from the ring immediately
without notice!
If your website address, email address or any other information changes
please edit it in the ring. You may use this to edit:
PLEASE let me know if you are editing your
So that I am kept up-to-date as well. :-)
be considerate to others. If you no longer want to be a part of this webring
Please go to edit site information and remove yourself from the ring. By
not doing this you are creating a broken link in the ring and that is unfair
to others who chose to be a part of the ring.
6. Please, make sure your guest book is easy to get to from whatever page you submitted to the ring. People don't like to hunt for a guest book. Please don't appy if you don't have a guest book! You can get a guest book here:
Bravenet Web
 Guest world
Now on
to the application form
Click here to join The Birthday