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Family August 2004
Codie, Emily and Carly in August 2004
TJ and Shannon Aug 2004
What's New
9/30/04 Added our newest pictures to the site
5/6/04 Updates to every page, check it all out and leave a message in the guestbook!
2/5 New pictures on the main page, just look around :)
11/5 Updates to Carly's page, new picture page and other picture page
4/4 Added new pictures to
Emily's & Carly's pages
Click on the kids' names to go to their page
I sure did grow up fast. I am 11 years old on the left and 1 day old on the right.

I am in 6th grade now.I am doing really well in school, my parents are so proud! I still like to play video games and hang out with my friends.
Codie Kristofor Michael
My look how I've grown. On the left I am 9 years old and on the right I am a few hours old.

I am in 4th grade now and doing very well. I like to dance and be with my friends. Go to my page to see more.
Emily Evelyn Louise
On the right I am 1 day old and on the left I am 4 years old.

I started preschool in August. I am making new friends and learning to write my name. I really like going to school.
Carly Catherine