A Southern Girl with all the sass and sauce of a Mint Julep on a hot summer's day...
part vixen............part saint.............

There are certain things that are ours alone to give. A smile, a gentle touch, a kiss.......are but a few moments in time.  It is my hope you find comfort as you explore my special corner of the web.

  If you find I have put a smile on your face, or have brightened your day, then I will be smiling too by giving these things to you.


 What makes a Kentucky Girl an extraordinary Southern Girl?

We're remarkably distinct & hopelessly in love with our history & traditions. We're known the world over for our charm, hospitality, beautiful horses, and fast women. (And I do mean FAST)

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And of course, "Ya'll know Southern Girls are Quick On The Drawl!

......that unforgettable & irresistible Southern drawl!

Southern girls have a very distinct way with expressions; 

"Ya'll come back!"
"Well, bless your heart."
"Drop by when you can."

  * Southern girls do not sweat, they glisten....

* Southern girls have. . . more fun than should be allowed!

* Where do you start looking for a Southern Girl?
Begin right around the Mason-Dixion line in the "Kentucky bluegrass" section


Southern girls know how to eat a watermelon on a hot summer's day; plenty of napkins, salt, and dahlin' 
Leave your good clothes at home!


Southern girls know how to flirt:

Lower our eyelashes and speak -----real-----slow---

Who Am I?