To the Reader:

This booklet on prayer is an effort to apply the scientific method to the Truths of Our Roman Catholic Faith, to obtain more grace to better serve God, drawing particularly on that gigantci source of Gods Infinite Goodness and Mercy -- a source virtually untapped -- PROPHETIC REVELATIONS.


The Blessed Virgin said: You love Me and make others love Me.  This revised edition of the Pieta Prayerbook is dedicated to Thee Dear Lady of Ephesus as an act of love to honor thine Assumption.  I am all Thine my Queen and Mother and all that I have is Thine.


Scripture says: Pray without ceasing.  St. Paul of the Cross wrote:  We enter on the broad road of perdition when we neglect prayer.  Dr. Alexis Carrel wrote:  If you make a habit of prayer, your life will be profoundly altered.  As a scientist he turned to prayer as mans highest activity; that conversation with God to be an art of all arts.  May this Pieta Prayerbook serve as a spiritual tool for souls who wish to increase their daily prayer life.  may the Dear Angels who carried the Holy House of Loreto carry this book to all persons who wish to pray more after reciting the daily rosary. 

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