<BGSOUND SRC="/zack6928/fur-elise.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Seward To Swords
There are 24306 individuals and 9034 families  representing 4633 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are :  Susalla(188), Smith(306), Higley(273), Seward(189), Millard(277), Brown(362), Sylvester(1289), Hubbard(256), Swords(702), Woodbridge(762)
These WWW pages were produced on Mon Sep 23:14:35 2003.
Surname List
Richard E. Swords


My Phone number (863) 287-0761

Adress 215 N 21st Street Haines City Fl. 33844
This page, and all genealogical data contained on it are &copy; 2000 Richard E. Swords (zack6928@verizon.net).
This page was produced by GED2WWW version 0.31  compiled on Sep 11 2003 at 13:23:34. GED2WWW &copy; 1996-1999 Leslie Howard. GED2WWW is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. For more information about GED2WWW or the GNU General Public License visit the GED2WWW webpage at http://www.lesandchris.com/ged2www.
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