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Gottlieb Abraham DESCHLER

Gottlieb Abraham DESCHLER is mentioned in numerous Rockingham, Virginia records in the late 1700's. He was a Lutheran pastor, and his name shows up in numerous church records from about 1785 to 1794, including: The Peaked Mountain Church - 1785, 1794; Hebron Church in Capon - 1786-87; Zion, Edinburg Parish (East Tenn.) - 1786-91; Armentrout's Trinity Church - 1787; Shenendoah Valley records (E. Tenn) - 1791-92; Fayette and Washington Counties, (Penn) - 1791-92.

One record indicates that in 1785, Abraham DESCHLER was driven from Pennsylvania by disenchanted parishoners. He came to Rockingham, VA where he installed himself in at least four churches.

Gottlieb Abraham's name appears in various forms including: Abraham; Abraham Gottlieb; A.G. DESCHLER; and so forth. He was very much a part of the German element in the Rockingham area, and one record upon which his signature appears is written in German.

Very little more is known about Gottlieb. Presumably he was born in Germany and immigrated to the States. I have no information regarding his birth or death. Some recent information I acquired indicates that he may have married Mary ARMENTROUT or EHRMENTROUT in 1787. I also have some information that Abraham DESHLER, who I believe to be Gottlieb's son, married Barbara FOUGHT about 1813 or so. I believe that Gottlieb is Abraham's father, and my ancestor, John DESHLER's grandfather. All of these people lived in Rockingham County, VA. Tax lists show only about 4100 people living in that area, so I am sure they are all related.

Any definitive information you might be able to share such as birth/death dates or places regarding Gottlieb Abraham DESCHLER, would be greatly appreciated!!! I will in turn share any information I might have.

Please e-mail me if you have any information.

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