<BGSOUND SRC="/sue32299/chattah2.mid">
To My Homepage
This is me I am Mary Sue

This is my Husband
Due to Son's recent divorce this area is---
About us
I am 55 years old and married to a wonderful guy for 37 years.  We have one son who is 30 years old and one grandson 10 years.  My son is recently divorced.  I am a LPN but not able to work..  I enjoy working with my computer and learning new things.  I enjoy chatting on MSN and Yahoo with my friends and family.  I enjoy playing bingo and I play games on Yahoo with my grandson.   We enjoy voice chatting together there.  We all live in Arkansas and have since 1995.
Grandson will be 11 years old Sept. 18, 2002
Our Home
Since July 17,2001 your are visitor
God Bless the USA

We will remember
Some of  our's favorite links
Games at Candystand.com