Heather's Home
What's Inside:
Homemaking and Organization
My Christian Faith
Check out our page for info about home-schooling and a glimpse inside our day.
Some links to articles about this, my favorite hobby.
I am working on our family tree.  Here are some links to useful sites.
Our most important job.  Information to keep you informed and encouraged.
As a former public school teacher, education is one of my passions.  Here are some links to articles and info that is useful for teachers, parents and anyone who wants to be "educated."
This is an area that I struggle with every day.  Here are some links that have helped me.  I hope they help someone else.
Following God's plan for my life is my highest goal.  Here are some links which may help inspire, educate and encourage you in your walk with the LORD.
I admit it, I am a bibliophile!  Links about books and favorite authors.
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Here is a unit study I created for a class I was taking.  It is an online weather unit--students use the Internet to complete projects. 
Welcome to my Home here on the internet!  We are a family of four, living and working in Arizona.  Stefano is an engineer, I am a former public school teacher, and current stay-at-home-mom and homeschool teacher. Our 2 sons, Peter 7 and Stefano 3 years old, are the lights of our lives and keep us very busy.    We hope our pages will be interesting and informative...
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