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Welcome to the Homepage of
Pamela Allen
Thanks to my special angel,
who helped me with some problems I had creating and getting my page together.
Who am I?
I am a loving wife, mother, and high school English teacher.  I am also a devoted Christian who loves to share the word of God !
All in the Family......................

I am married to a wonderful, loving man, Sam.  He is my best friend and lover. I know he loves me because he tolerates my moods.  I dedicate this page to the man whom I will grow old with.

I have three beautiful children:  Brandon, 17; Marcus,16; and Zenobia, 13.  In reverse order:
Zenobia is the baby of the family.  She is named after her great-grandmother.  Zenobia is an intellectual.  She loves to read and is always asking questions.  I believe she got that side of her personality from me.  :) 
Marcus is the middle child.  I don't believe he suffers from "middle child syndrome."  Marcus is the joker of the family.  He is always making wise cracks and playing tricks, especially on brother, Brandon.  Marcus keeps us laughing.  He inherited his joker persona from his father.  :) 
Brandon, my first born, is quite the young man.  He is quiet, but not shy!  He loves music, and I believe that is why he loves to sing.  Brandon is a talented singer as well as musician.  He is bound for greatness.  :)  
All three of my children are athletes.  They all play soccer and love it!  Zenobia adds gymnastic and baton twirling to her list of activities.  Marcus is also a football player.  His positions are kicker and guard. 

I am very proud of my family.  And I want to share them with the world.
                My Inspiration

My mother,
Edith,  is a wonderful woman.  She has always been my inspiration.  During her senior year in high school, my mother had to quit school and get a job to help support her family.  That was very difficult for her.  She worked very hard, but she was not satisfied.  Something was missing!  After marrying my father, my mother was encouraged by my father to complete her high school education.  I remember attending my mother's high school graduation.  Not only did my mother meet that challenge, but she also continued her education to receive a Nursing Assistant degree, then a Registered Nurse degree all while raising a family and working a full-time job.  My mother graduated from the Baptist College of Charleston in 1978, the same year I graduated from high school.  Pretty incredible!  My mother was one of the people who inspired me to become a teacher.  Education was extremely important to her, and she instilled  that same principle in me.

Now she's learning about computers. 
Friendship improves happiness and abates misery by doubling our joy and dividing our grief.  
Joseph Addison
Cheerfulness and contentment are great beautifiers and are famous preservers of good looks.
Charles Dickens
A Few of My Favorite Things

1.     Chocolate & Lots of it!
2.     Beautiful Sunsets
3.     The sound of the ocean
4.     R&B and Jazz
5.     Cuddling w/ my husband
6.     Laughing w/ my children
7.     Talking to my mother
8.     Fresh Strawberries
9.     Lazy days
10.   Window Shopping!  It save 
        you money
11.   The Color, Purple!!
Family Matters

I have five sisters and brothers: one sister,
Edith Darlene, two half sisters, Owilender and Miriam, and two half brothers, Ralston and Carl Jr.  I grew up with my younger sister.  (We are the only children of my mother.)  My other siblings were adults and had growing, young families of their own when my sister and I came into being.  (My father married my mother some years after the death of his first wife.)  My sisters, Owilender and Miriam, were educators.  Both taught high school, but Owilender went on to teach at the college level.  She was a math professor who taught from a textbook she co-wrote.  Miriam was the chair of the Business Department at Colleton High School.  My brother, Carl, is a pharmacist.  My brother, Ralston, served in the Navy and later worked in the shipyard in Charleston.  I have lost my sister, Miriam, and my brother, Ralston.  I miss them very much.  My sister, Darlene, lives on Long Island.  She has three children and works for an insurance company as a claims adjustor.  We are very close and talk on a regular basis. I think I am AT&T's favorite customer. :)  .   
Forever Young............Carl Kennedy
My father was pretty cool.  Believe it or not, my father was old enough to be my grandfather.  Yes, it's true.  When I was born, my father was fifty-eight years old. Not bad for an old guy!
:) I never thought about my dad's age until my senior year in high school when he became seriously ill.  You see, my father did everything with us!  Playing ball, boating, swimming, everything!  One of my funniest memories of my dad was when he broke his leg playing baseball at a picnic.  He broke his leg sliding into home plate for the score!  Now the humor comes in when Daddy refuses to go to the emergency room or a doctor.  For two days my dad insisted that the leg was not broken, merely sprained.  Finally, when the pain got to bad, my father went to a doctor.  When he returned his leg was in a full cast.  What angered my father was the comment his doctor made. It had something to do with old bones not healing as fast.  I don't think Daddy ever felt as old as he was.  My dad died before my husband and I had our first child.  He never got to know any of our three children, but I see a lot of Daddy in each of them.  I think he watches over  and keeps them safe when I'm not around.  To me, Daddy will always be forever young!
Know What Really Burns My Buns?

1.    My children's messy rooms!
2.    Mopping the kitchen floor   
3.    Cleaning the bathrooms
4.    Todays' rap music
5.    Mismatched socks
6.    Rainy Weekends
7.    My children arguing!
8.    My students failing!
9.    Dying plants
10.  Paying full price!
"We are Family"
I have a great, big family! I am proud to present to you the
"Manigo Connection."
Favorite Links

Models of Perfection
Step Team
I asked God for strength, that I might achieve.
I was made weak, that I might learn to obey.

I asked for health, that I might do greater things.
I was given infirmity, that I might do better things.

I asked for riches, that I might be happy.
I was given poverty, that I might be wise.

I asked for power, that I might have the praises of men.
I was given weakness, that I might feel the need of God.

I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life.
I was given life, that I might enjoy all things.

I got nothing that I asked for --- but everything that I hoped for.
Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.
I am, among men, most richly blessed.

Author Unknown
Presenting My
Wonderful Family
Do you see the horns?  They're there if you just look hard enough!
Not bad for a
40 year old mother of three!
My "devil" Marcus
I am Mischievouslady99, Pamela.  People say I have a beautiful smile.  What do you think?
My husband, Sam, is posing with his parents, Sam, Sr. and Gloria, at a wedding.  My hubby, like his dad, hates to take pictures and will probably kill me for putting this one on my page.  :)
I've earned a new "title" from one of my 11th grade students.
The Most Electrifying English Teacher" @ Barnwell High School.
Thanks M.W.
He's no "angel" either...Brandon
Check out the Allen Children
Click Here
Don't let the smile fool you.  This is a criminal's worst nightmare!  My favorite aunt, Security Officer, Mary.
This is the woman responsible for my being here.  She is my best friend and mentor.  May I present my wonderful mother, Edith.
Favorite Little Cuz, Ebony
Guess Who???

Picture Award!
Baby Pamela, age 1 year old (above)
&, age 4 years old (below)
"The Cornfield Family"
This is my family.....many, many, many years ago.  This picture received the name, "The Cornfield Family," from almost everyone in my family. 
I wonder why???   :)
father, Carl, Sr.; mother, Edith; me, Pamela; and sister, Darlene.
1982   Newberry College Graduation
Here I am with my brother, Carl Jr,
and my father, Carl Sr. 
I received  a BA in English.
The friend given you by circumstances over which you have no control was God's own gift.
Frederick Robertson
An Evening of Elegance
Looking good, Marcus!  Even with a broken leg.  Not a little girl anymore. 
Zenobia and mother, Pamela
Presenting Young Miss Zenobia Allen
Brandon Karl Allen, Entrepeneur
"Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs.  Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger.  If you do the little jobs well, the big ones tend to take care of themselves."
Dale Carnegie
"As long as you keep a person down, some part of you has to be down there to hold him down, so it means you cannot soar as you otherwise might."
Marian Anderson
"Black History 101"
The "Other"American History
Mildred Keeve

Listen, Black families, listen to me
And try to see the things I see.
Your children are loaned, a gift from above
Deserving of honor, guidance and love.
Be patient, as though writing on a new slate,
Take the time to teach them, get it straight.
For as the twig is bent, so the tree is inclined
Therefore, nourish their bodies and feed their minds.

You only pass this way one time
Like a tree that's growing in muck or slime.
But the gift you have is yours to give ---
your children, your life and how you live.
So, be careful in living in raising,
Short on Punishment, long on Praising.
For all you will have to leave will be
your children, your only legacy.
Test you Knowledge.  Identify the following photos.
Greatness is Your Heritage

Yours is the heritage of greatness
You are made of the greatness of men.
An ancient knowledge is your legacy
Royal blood from Africa's plain.

Rulers of men, tillers of soil
Masters of metal, in their own land, free
Enduring enslavement of body, not mind.
This then, is your legacy.

Black voices singing tho' tears were flowing
Black pride that just would not yield.
Black hearts that loved when others were hating
Black minds laid out cities, tilled fields.

Building a faith in a borrowed God
Building schools from memory's toil.
Building a culture of the past and the future,
Building a nation on borrowed soil.

Lay side your petty differences
Let smallness and hatred be past.
As you stand on the threshold of greatness
Let your dreams on your vision be cast.

For great is your Black foundation
Great is your destiny,
Great is the promise of God in you,
Great is your legacy.
Do you like what you see?  I'm a beginner and, I welcome your suggestions.  E-mail me @ mischievouslady99@yahoo.com
or sign my GuestBook.         
Have a Blessed Day!
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