Welcome to the Pfeiffer Family Home Page.           
Devon's cats are at the bottom of the page
This is Martha and Sam!  Martha has taught middle and high school Spanish, French, and English.  She is also an aspiring writer who has published one poem so far.  She is currently working as a freelance paralegal.

Sam is a retired Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel.  He began his military career as a helicopter pilot in Vietnam.  He retired after serving in Desert Storm.  Now, Sam is the Senior Marine Instructor for the Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officer'sTraining Corps at River Rouge High School in Michigan.  He loves working with kids.

We have three children, Devon, Trey, and Jennifer.  Jennifer is married to Rick and they have three children, Garrett, Cassandra and Christopher.  Trey is married to Mackenzie and they have one child, Ethan.

Click on this photo to see more of our favorite photos or scroll down to see the rest of our family.  We are in the process of updating, so check back soon to see everyone.

This is Devon.  For more photos, check out Devon's page by clicking on Devon's photo!
This is Jennifer with her son, Christopher. For more photos of Jennifer and her family, click the photo.
This is Trey with Devon.  For more photos of Trey, click the photo.
Here are Devon's cats, Seymour and Mia.