Well, we think that this site is pretty close to the way we want it (I will be adding more information as time goes on). Please be aware that because some of the pages here contain a lot of information (i.e. Federal and State laws and regulations) that it may take a while for some of the pages to download. The purpose of this site is to provide as much information as possible about the very serious issues of child support, child custody and visitation and make it available to you in one location. Here you will find information for, state and federal contacts, state and federal laws, state and federal child support resources, links to state most wanted deadbeat parent lists, links to people finder services on the web, and information about how to handle international child support and parental child abduction. Please visit our missing children page. Maybe you have seen one of these kids! I have tried to include here information that would be helpful to custodial as well as non-custodial parents. We understand that there are good custodial and non-custodial parents out there as well as bad. A lot of the sites we have seen turn into slug-fests between custodial and non-custodial parents and we will try our best not to let that happen here, so feel free to leave your comments but please respect the other people that visit here. If you are like us, then you are having problems getting the court orders that are issued enforced. In the last few years there has been a lot of attention brought to these issues and there has been some progress made. We feel that there is still a long way to go before the problem starts to lessen and one way to help is to make our voice heard. From what I have seen there are a lot of people having the same problems that we are and we would like to hear from you. You may either e-mail us or visit our guest book and tell us your thoughts. If you have any comments, either praise or criticism, or if you know of something else you would like to see here please don't hesitate to let us know. Thanks for stopping by and by all means, enjoy your stay! This site has had |