Old Sardis Cemetery
San Augustine County, TX
Reba Jernigan Powers, Liberty Powers, Betty Davis Stokes
© 1999
Music: Shall We Gather at the River
Revised 13 August 1999

reba@netdot.com | In the Past Lane | Luman Family

To reach this site, take Hwy 7 E from Nacogdoches, Texas. Go  23 miles beyond the intersection of Hwy 7 & Loop 224. Turn right on CR# 1210, at the old store in the Aiken community. Stay on CR# 1210 for five miles. The cemetery is enclosed by a fence, but does not have a sign standing. A tabernacle stands across the road.
Click here to see map of Old Sardis area.

To obtain  information about the upkeep of this cemetery or to contribute to the cemetery fund,  please contact:
Cornelia Lawson
Rt. 4, Box 1150, Center, TX 75935

For further information about the history of this cemetery, please contact:
Wayne Hopkins
 Box 123, Center, Texas 75935

Contributors to the original transcription and recorded history of this cemetery include: Mrs. C. T. (Jeffie Fitzgerald) Wall, Mrs. Billy (Carolyn) McClendon, Mrs. J. M. (McXie Whitton) Martin, Georgea Ethel (Rollins) Hooper, Wanda Hopkins, Wm. Wayne Hopkins, and Euel L. Hopkins.

Old Sardis Cemetery History
by Euel L. Hopkins & William Wayne Hopkins
(grandsons of James Howard Hopkins)

            The Old Sardis Cemetery is located in the northwest corner of San Augustine County on part of the 1100 acres of land that James Howard Hopkins secured as his 2nd Class Headwright in 1837. Hopkins, a native of Tennessee and the son of John Howard Hopkins, was born about 1810. He married Mary "Polly" Dean, the seventeen-year-old daughter of John and Mary Dean, around 1830 in Coffee County, Tennessee.
            The Hopkins became the parents of seven children: Ruth Elizabeth (m. 1st Allen D. Burress, m. 2nd Richard Adams); Nancy Caroline (died in childhood); Mary Sophronia (died in childhood); John Thomas (m. 1st Margaret E. Rhone, m. 2nd Mrs. Margaret Palvadore Harrell); James Travis (killed in Arkansas during the War Between the States); Soloman (died in childhood); and William Levi (m. 1st Malinda Rhone, m. 2nd. Sally J. Mahan).
            According to the Texas General Land Office records, James Howard Hopkins emigrated to Texas before October of 1837, along with three of his brothers, William, Levi, and Mark, and a sister, Mary Hopkins Medford. Preceding them to San Augustine County was another brother, Soloman Hopkins, who, in the summer of 1836, enlisted in the company of Captain Jewell's Tennessee Volunteers. By 1846, William, Soloman, and Levi Hopkins had moved to Anderson County; Mary Hopkins Medford had settled in Grimes County; and about 1849, Mark Hopkins had moved to California.
          In 1838, James Howard served as First Lieutenant under Captain Travis Broocks in the Cordova Rebellion. About 1844, the Hopkins family  left San Augustine County and moved to Rusk and Smith counties. While in Smith County, Hopkins became ill and died in 1847. The location of his grave is not known.
            About 1876, his sons John Thomas and William Levi moved back to San Augustine County and took possession of the estate. By then, the Davis, Crenshaw, Burgess, Jones, Hodge, Taylor, Perry, and other families had moved into the area. The Timpson-Chireno road went through the western part of the estate, and the settlers asked permission to bury their dead and to build a place to have church and school. The Hopkins heirs gave their consent, and the community became known as Old Sardis.
             The Hopkins estate was divided in 1904, and the tract on which the cemetery and church were located was sold to the Waterman Lumber Company. However, the Waterman Lumber Company deeded back to the community of Old Sardis two acres for church and cemetery purposes, at the same location which has been used for some 30 years. There are 125 graves with monuments in Old Sardis Cemetery. Eighty-six graves do not have monuments, but their identities and locations are known. Sixty-four other individuals are known to be buried there, but in unknown locations.

(Thanks to Wayne Hopkins for giving us permission to include his research on this site.)

(photo courtesy of Betty Davis Stokes)
Old Sardis School
Early 1900's

(photo courtesy of Betty Davis Stokes)
Old Sardis School
Early 1900's
Archie Oliver Davis (on the scaffold; on the right, wearing dark clothes)
Fannie Bell Watson Davis (standing directly below him on the ground; 2nd from right, facing front)

(photo courtesy of Betty Davis Stokes)
Old Sardis School
Early 1900's


(photo courtesy of Betty Davis Stokes)
Pine Resin School
5th from left on back row: Fannie Bell Watson, later to be Mrs. A. O. Davis
3rd girl from left on 3rd row, right below Fannie: Ada Olevia Fitts, later to be Mrs. Robert Nathan Davis
{Olevia was the d/o James Lafayette Fitts & Mary Liziana Sheffield}

(photo courtesy of Betty Davis Stokes)
Sardis Baptist Church
Baptism at the Attoyac River
early 1900's
Archie Oliver Davis,  8th from right, is almost in front of the person being baptized.
He is easily distinguised by his full head of hair.

(photo courtesy of Betty Davis Stokes)
 Archie Oliver Davis & Fannie Bell Watson Davis
William "Levi" & Myrtle
(Levi is the father of Betty Davis Stokes.)

(photo courtesy of Betty Davis Stokes)
John Oliver Davis
(s/o Sidney Ancel Davis and Frances E. Crenshaw)
& Amy Angeline "Angie"  Davis
(d/o Thomas Jefferson Britain & Susan Oakes)

(photo courtesy of Betty Davis Stokes)
Close-up of Individuals
Please contact Betty if you can identify any of these.

(photo courtesy of Betty Davis Stokes)
Sons of Sidney Ancel Davis
Left to Right: Rev. Charles G. Davis, John Oliver Davis, and James Thomas "Jim" Davis

(photo courtesy of Vivien Luman Taylor)
About 1903
(1) Fanny Churchman Gray, (2) Selmer Luman (Geo. Luman & Lou Gray), (3) John Gray,
(4) Minnie Luman/Choate (Geo. Luman & Lou Gray, (5) Martha Gray Luman (Wes Luman),
(6) Lum Luman, (7) Fate Luman, (8) Carrie Luman (Lonny Davis), (9) Sally Gray (Elmer Dixon),
(10) Bud Luman (Geo. Luman & Lou Gray), (11) Randle Gray, (12) George Gray,
(13) Dovie Gray (Tom Golden), (14) Wes Luman

(photo courtesy of Lillian Luman Cockrell)
Eliza Jane Oliver Mahan, Eddie Mahan, Earnest Mahan, Clarence Mahan
Nathan Mahan (in front)

            As a youngster, Liza Jane saw a man stump his toe and fall down in the field he was plowing. The man bounced right up, singing Love Lifted Me. This event made an impression on the young girl, and the hymn became her personal theme song.
            Her favorite expression was, "Praise the Lord!" Eddie remembers his mother churning one day. She spooned the butter into a bowl, worked the milk out of it, and set the bowl on the nearby table. As she reached to lift the churn up from the floor, the bottom fell out and milk spilled all over the kitchen. "Praise the Lord!" she exclaimed, as she went about cleaning up the mess with a shuck mop.
            Eddie hedged around for a couple of days and finally mustered up the courage to ask his mother why she said that. "Oh," she said, "we saved the butter, and that was the most important thing, Son!" Eddie says that he remembered the teachings of his mother and meditated on them.

(photo courtesy of Betty Davis Stokes)
Excelsior School / Sardis
A. O. Davis is 5th from the left on the back row, just on the other side of the window.

(photo courtesy of Lillian Cockrell)
Eddie Lee Mahan, Eddie Mahan, Chris McSwain Mahan
        Eddie Mahan grew up in Old Sardis on the Attoyac River. In close proximity to the community was Camp Worth Logging Camp, from which Temple Lumber Company shipped timber to Diboll. Nearby was Tupplagum Slough, a well-known fishing hole in that part of the country. When Eddie was just a young lad, his daddy came in from fishing with five alligators, all  of them about twelve to fifteen inches long. The last Eddie remembers of the miniature creatures, they were frolicking in a washtub.
        Settlements surrounding the Mahan place included Fountain, Oliver, and Warr. He didn't have to go very far to find his bride, Christine McSwain, daughter of Lee McSwain and Ethel Warr. He says it didn't take him but about three days with a compass and a ball of string.

(photo courtesy of Lillian Cockrell)
Nathan Mahan, Loraine Dickerson, Sgt. Eddie Mahan, Rosalie Luman, Jack "Boy" Anderson, Lillian Luman,
? Dickerson (cousin to Loraine)
        When his brother Clarence died overseas during the war, Eddie accepted escort duty to accompany the body home on a ten-day route. While the young soldier was home on leave, the postman delivered him a friendship letter from a neighbor girl. The letter had little impact on Eddie's future except for the announcement made by the postman. "Sgt. Eddie Mahan!" called the mail carrier. And the boy who had been born "Edward" would forever after be called "Eddie."

(photo courtesy of Lillian Cockrell)
Butchering Time
Bud Luman, Wes Luman, George Gray

Unmarked Graves
                        Two graves located near Dewitt Hudspeth & Nora Moore
                        One infant grave located near Thomas Mora
                        Five graves located near Louis Lawrence
                        Three graves near Lonnie Burl Fountain
                        Three graves near Clara Fay Holmes & Charles G. Davis
                        Five graves near Ruthy Davis & Frances White
                        Six graves between John C. White & Napoleon Bonaparte Hooper
                        Three graves located near Napoleon Bonaparte Hooper & Jeff Wheeler
                        Four graves located near Sarah J. Mahan
                        Two graves located near Jessie Jackson Hooper
                        Two graves located near Doyl Ray Hooper
                        Two graves located near Mary & Thomas Taylor
                        One marked grave located near O.W. Fancher & Earner Holmes
                        Three graves located near Leonard Holmes
                        Seven graves located near Will Mancil
                        Six graves located near Inet Luman and E. D. Hudspeth
                        Four graves located near Mancil infant & Martha Luman
                        Three graves located near John W. Luman
                        Six graves located near Jessie David Jones
                        Eleven graves near Jessie David Jones & Thomas J. Burgess
                        Three graves located near Alfred Wilkerson
                        One grave located near Jasper Luman & Foline Wilkerson
                        One grave near Foline Wilkerson & Audrey Mae Wilkerson
                        Two graves located near Monroe Wilkerson & Reuben Green

Akridge, James I. 24 Jan 1874 28 Aug 1927 s/o Jim Akridge & Julie Ann Fiveash;
h/o Mary Jane Hooper
Akridge, Jim - 1918 h/o Julie Ann Fiveash -
Mary Jane
28 Feb 1887 3 Feb 1957 d/o Napoleon Bonaparte Hooper & Texana Smith;
w/o James I. Akridge
Akridge, Milburn - 16 Apr 1931 s/o Lizzie Hooper Akridge no monument;
location of grave unknown
Akridge, Roy B. 28 Jun 1918 17 May 1964 s/o James I. Akridge & Mary Jane Hooper WWII TX CPS BTRY D. 53 A A REPL INC BN CAC

Brown, Evie 1890 1950 d/o William Hooper & Isoloma Rambo; w/o H. B. Brown no monument; location of grave unknown
Brown, Ona 1886 21 Nov 1910 - no monument;
location of grave unknown
Burgess, Emily Ann 30 Jul 1851 13 Apr 1883 d/o James William Crenshaw (NC) & Sarah Lavender; w/o Thos. Jefferson Burgess "Wife of T. J."
Burgess, Mary Ann Victoria 29 Nov 1875 10 Oct 1896 d/o Thos. Jefferson Burgess (AL) & Emily Ann Crenshaw (AL);
never married
The family story is that she coughed and swallowed a needle while sewing. 
Burgess, Thomas Jefferson "T.J." 7 Feb 1850 1 Feb 1896 s/o William Burgess (SC) & Eliza M. A. Wilder;
m 1st, Emily Ann Crenshaw (AL); 
m 2nd, Mary Davis
Burgess, William 1820 1880 s/o Timothy Burgess & Delpha; h/o Eliza Ema Wilder {d/o Joseph G. Wilder & Susanna} oldest monument in cemetery
Burgess, Willie B. 20 Oct 1904 13 Sep 1905 s/o James William Burgess & Emma Angeline Hargis -
Byrd, Batton - - s/o "Bud" Byrd & Minnie Mills age 4;
played w/matches;
burned to death

Clardy, (adult) - - - no monument; located behind headstone of John C. & Isabella White;
{The three Clardy graves are surrounded by scalloped border blocks.}
Clardy, Robert Dec - - no monument; located behind headstone of John C. & Isabella White
Clardy, Teresa Diane "Jody" 12 Jan 1965 24 Jan 1965 - no monument; located behind headstone of John C. & Isabella White
Crenshaw, James William 1818
1885 s/o Thomas Crenshaw (SC) & Polly Marshall; h/o Sarah Lavender (AL) -

Davis, Amy Angeline 3 Oct 1862 2 Jul 1951 d/o Thomas J. Brittain, Sr. (Al) & Susan Oakes (AL); w/o John Oliver Davis (AL) bdsjh@hal-pc.org
Davis, Bonnie F. 20 Apr 1872 9 Jul 1882 d/o John Thomas Davis & Elizabeth Ann Crenshaw no monument; location of grave unknown
Davis, Charles G. (Rev.) 6 Aug 1857 25 May 1939 s/o Sidney Ancel Davis (GA) & Frances Etta Crenshaw (NC); m 1st, Haney Frances "Fannie" Brittain, AL {d/o T.J. Britain & Susan Oakes};
m 2nd, Kate Clendenen Clark
"Our loss is his gain, for he has gained heaven."
Davis, Elizabeth Ann 25 Aug 1846 28 Jul 1918 d/o John E. Crenshaw (NC) & Ruth L. Lavender (AL); w/o James Thomas Davis AL -
Davis, Frances Etta 17 Apr 1820
27 Jul 1893 d/o Thomas Crenshaw (SC) & Polly Marshall (NC); w/o Sidney Ancel Davis (GA);
{married 1842,
Sumter Co AL}
Davis, Geo. J. 2 Sep 1884 30 Jun 1886 s/o John Oliver Davis & Amy Angeline Brittain "Sleep on, sweet babe, and take thy rest; God called thee home, He thought it best."
Davis, James Thomas "Jim" 5 Feb 1843 17 Apr 1931 s/o Sidney Ancel Davis (GA) & Frances Etta Crenshaw (NC) ; h/o Elizabeth Ann Crenshaw (AL) "In Thee, O Lord, have I put my trust"
Davis, John Oliver 28 Nov 1854 2 Mar 1930 s/o Sidney Ancel Davis (GA) & Frances Etta Crenshaw (NC); h/o Amy Angeline Brittain (AL) Mason
Davis, Ruthy Frances 20 Apr 1872 9 Jul 1882 d/o James Thomas Davis (AL) & Elizabeth Ann Crenshaw (AL) -
Davis, Sidney Ancel 5 Jan 1816 17 May 1904 s/o Robert H. Davis & Sarah; 
h/o Frances Etta Crenshaw
"A loving husband, a father dear, a faithful friend; he's buried here"
Dearing, Oma Hudspeth 8 Feb 1905 23 Oct 1956 d/o Bruce Hudspeth & Benia E. Lane; m 1st, John Stewart; m 2nd, ? Dearing -

Fancher, Bailey E. 22 Jul 1922 21 Dec 1972 s/o James Thomas Fancher & Rosalie Oliver WWII TX PVT US ARMY
Fancher, James Thomas 15 Jan 1871 17 Jun 1940 s/o Thos. Jefferson Fancher & Lizzie Harvey; h/o Rosalie Oliver -
Fancher, Lizzie Harvey 4 Mar 1854 20 Jan 1908 w/o Thomas Jefferson Fancher
Fancher, Mazury 7 Apr 1895 12 Dec 1963 w/o Harest -
Fancher, O. W. 10 Oct 1886 16 Dec 1912 - "A loving husband, a father dear, sleeps sweetly here"
Fancher, Rosalie 18 Mar 1887 2 Mar 1963 d/o Lee Oliver & Eliza Luman; w/o James Thomas Fancher -
Fancher, Sarah Josephine Burgess 19 Nov 1871 28 Mar 1934 d/o Thomas Jefferson Burgess & Emily Ann Crenshaw; m 1st, 
Samuel S. Mahan;
m 2nd William Levi Hopkins; m 3rd, Thomas Jefferson Fancher;
{all three are buried at 
Old Sardis}
no monument; 
buried by Samuel S. Mahan
Fancher, Thomas Jefferson 17 May 1853 10 July 1914 m 1st, Lizzie Harvey; m 2nd, Sarah Josephine Burgess Hopkins -
Ferguson, Mary & Baby - - d/o Simpson Byrd & Melissa Lee; w/o Jess Ferguson no monument; location of grave unknown
Fountain, Alpha James 12 Feb 1889 30 Jan 1940 s/o John Isaac Fountain & Penny Hatton; h/o Leola Davis -
Fountain, Lonnie Berl 31 Oct 1915 26 Jul 1916 s/o Alpha James Fountain & Leola Davis {Leola is d/o John Oliver Davis & Amy Angeline Britain.} no monument; location of grave unknown
Fults, Lillie Lee 4 Nov 1900 26 Dec 1938 d/o James H. Pipes & Elizabeth Fulsom; m ? Fults no monument; location unknown

Golden, Dovie O. 5 Jul 1888 16 Jan 1919 d/o John M. Gray & Fannie Churchman; w/o Tom J. Golden -
Golden, Gerlene 15 Apr 1918 (1913?) 13 Jun 1918 (1913?) d/o Tom J. Golden & Dovie O. Gray -
Golden, Henrietta 29 Jun 1892 17 Sep 1974 d/o Henry Phillips; m 1st, Wm. Franklin Ross; m 2nd, Ran Smith; m 3rd, Tom J. Golden "Mother"
Golden, Randle Burl 3 Feb 1918 4 Oct 1944 s/o Tom J. Golden & Dovie O. Gray WWII TX PVT 37 FIELD ARTY
Golden, Tom J. 23 Nov 1881 16 Aug 1954 m 1st, Dovie O. Gray; m 2nd, Mrs. Henrietta Phillips Ross Smith -
Gray, Fannie Churchman (Mrs.) 18 Feb 1852 15 Apr 1929 w/o John M. Gray -
Gray, John M. 20 Jan 1852 10 Feb 1914 h/o Fannie Churchman -
Gray, Ralph T. 4 Sep 1909 9 Aug 1913 s/o George Gray & Millie Oliver -
Green, Ada (Mrs.) 11 Jul 1877 19 Oct 1941 d/o Lawrence Parrish & Susan Palvadore; w/o W. J. Green no monument; location of grave unknown
Green, Betty Ann May 1938 May 1938 d/o Woodrow Green & Dorothy Mora no monument; location of grave unknown
Green, Reuben E. 9 Jun 1900 23 Dec 1920 s/o W. J. Green & Ada Parrish -
Green, W. J. - - h/o Ada Parrish CSA CO A GA INF

Hagler, Effie Jane (Mrs.) 1855 1 Jun 1928 - no monument; location of grave unknown
Hinkle, Bandena 29 Apr 1826 10 Jan 1909 d/o William Shreffler & Mary Magdalene Flikinger; w/o Daniel Joseph Hinkle, Jr. -
Hinkle, Bennie Frances 1856 1918 d/o John Calvin McGraw & Mary Ann Hixon; w/o Daniel George Hinkle -
Hinkle, Daniel George Jan 1853 25 Dec 1918 s/o Daniel Joseph Hinkle, Jr. & Bandena Shreffler; h/o Bennie Frances McGraw -
Hinkle, Tenn - - - -
Hinton, Bettie Lou 10 Nov 1872 27 Nov 1953 d/o John Houston Perry & Sarah Rebecca Garrett; w/o John D. Hinton -
Hinton, Eva Cornelia - - inf d/o John D. Hinton & Bettie Lou Perry no monument; located near Bettie Lou Hinton
Hinton, Jessie Randolph - - inf s/o John D. Hinton & Bettie Lou Perry age 2 yrs;
no monument; located near Bettie Lou Hinton
Hinton, John D. 16 Jun 1860 21 Dec 1911 h/o Bettie Lou Perry -
Holmes, Allie 9 Aug 1887 1927 d/o James Mitchel Byrd {s/o Green Byrd & Mary Archer} & Janie Batton; w/o Sam Holmes no monument; located near Leamon Holmes
Holmes, Catherine - 15 May 1918 d/o W.H. Holmes & Lela R. Flowers;
their son: Jethro Holmes (m. Dallie V. Watson)
no monument; location of grave unknown
Holmes, Cecil 11 Nov 1921 7 Jan 1948 s/o Sam Holmes & Allie Byrd WWII BSM TEX CPL 551 COAST ARTY BN
Holmes, Charlsey - - d/o Sam Holmes & Allie Byrd
age 9 mos;
no monument; located near Leamon Holmes
Holmes, Clara Fay 9 Apr 1909 1 Dec 1911 d/o D. F. & D. L. Holmes -
Holmes, Delton Sr. 6 Nov 1913 11 Oct 1990 - WWII KOREA CWO US ARMY
Holmes, Earner 2 Dec 1896 9 Feb 1898 s/o W. H. Holmes & Lela R. Flowers "A little time on earth he spent, until God for him the angels sent"
Holmes, Jim - - s/o Charlie Holmes & Sally Taylor no monument; located near Clara Holmes
Holmes, Leaman 14 Dec 1918 31 Mar 1962 s/o Sam Holmes & Allie Byrd WWII TX PFC HQ BTRY 37 FIELD ARTY
Holmes, Lena Mae - - d/o Sam Holmes & Allie Byrd age 7;
no monument; located near Leamon Holmes
Holmes, Leonard (Robert) 9 Feb 1910 13 Jun 1974 s/o Sam Holmes & Allie Byrd; h/o Corine Akridge -
Holmes, Sally ca 1854 after 1900 d/o Jim Taylor & Docia Windchester; w/o Charlie Holmes no monument; located near Clara Holmes
Holmes, Sam - 1923 s/o Charlie Holmes & Sally Taylor; h/o Allie Byrd no monument; located near Leamon Holmes
Hooper, Ada Josephine "Byrd" 7 Oct 1883 4 Aug 1970 d/o James Mitchel Byrd & Jannie Batton; w/o Jessie Jackson Hooper -
Hooper, Beatrice - - d/o William N. Hooper & Isoloma Rambo age 7;
no monument;
location of grave unknown
Hooper, Doss 1894 1915 s/o William N. Hooper & Isoloma Rambo no monument; location of grave unknown
Hooper, Doyl Ray 4 May 1934 14 Mar 1935 s/o Charlie Green Hooper & Georgia Ethel Rollins "Beloved son of Charlie & Ethel"
Hooper, Elijah Mancil 5 Feb 1896 22 Oct 1900 s/o Napoleon Bonaparte Hooper & Margaret L. Mancil no monument; located beside
N. B. & Margaret Hooper
Hooper, Gertrude 1 Jan 1891 23 Jun 1941 d/o William N. Hooper & Isoloma Rambo no monument; location of grave unknown
Hooper, Isoloma 30 Oct 1869 3 Aug 1941 d/o W. C. Rambo & Margaret Pope; w/o William N. Hooper no monument; location unknown
Hooper, James (Elton) 8 Aug 1908 7 May 1973 s/o Jessie Jackson Hooper & Ada Josephine Byrd -
Hooper, Jessie Jackson 30 May 1874 14 Mar 1942 s/o Napoleon Bonaparte Hooper & Texana Smith; h/o Ada Josephine Byrd -
Hooper, John - - - age 77;
no monument;
location of grave unknown
Hooper, Lonnie Columbus 1918 1934 s/o Jessie Jackson Hooper & Ada Josephine Byrd no monument; located by J. J. Hooper
Hooper, Margaret Latisha 5 Apr 1939 - d/o John Mancil & Janie Wilkerson; w/o Napoleon B. Hooper no monument; located beside Napoleon Bonaparte Hooper
Hooper, Napoleon Bonaparte 28 Jul 1833 3 Feb 1918 m 1st, Mary Jane Harkness; m 2nd, Texana Smith, m 3rd, Margaret Latisha Mancil CSA PVT CONSD REGT
Hooper, Olla E. 1898 - s/o William N. Hooper & Isolona Rambo no monument; location of grave unknown
Hooper, Thos. Jefferson - - inf s/o Jessie Jackson Hooper & Ada Josephine Byrd no monument; located by Doyl R. Hooper
Hooper, William N. 1864 1899 s/o Napoleon Bonaparte Hooper & Mary Jane Harkness; h/o Isolona Rambo no monument; location of grave unknown
Hopkins, Alphy 17 Apr 1897 1 Feb 1899 child/o James Franklin Hopkins & Louella Taylor -
Hopkins, Alvy 13 Feb 1896 22 May 1896 child/o James Franklin Hopkins & Louella Taylor -
Hopkins, James Franklin 7 Mar 1867 12 Jan 1935 s/o John Thomas Hopkins & Margaret Elizabeth Roan/Rhone; h/o Louella Taylor -
Hopkins, John Thomas 24 Jun 1839 17 Aug 1907 s/o James Howard Hopkins & Mary 
"Polly" Dean; m 1st, Margaret Elizabeth Rhone; m 2nd, Mrs. Margaret Palvadore Harrell
"Gone to bloom in the garden of heaven to dwell with the happy and blest"
Hopkins, Joseph O. 17 Dec 1892 22 Oct 1904 s/o James Franklin Hopkins & Louella Taylor -
Hopkins, Lorina 6 Jul 1904 22 Jul 1916 d/o William Levi Hopkins & Mrs. Sarah Josephine Burgess Mahan buried so side of Wm. Levi Hopkins
Hopkins, Louella Taylor 13 Feb 1873 23 Feb 1941 d/o John Taylor & Florence Wheeler; w/o James Franklin Hopkins -
Hopkins, Malindy Roan 1844 before 1890 d/o R. S. Roan/Rhone & Rebecca Smith; w/o William Levi Hopkins buried on so side of sister,
Margaret Hopkins
Hopkins, Margaret Elizabeth
12 Oct 1842
2 Nov 1881 d/o R. S. Roan/Rhone & Rebecca Smith; w/o John Thomas Hopkins -
Hopkins, Margaret M. 17 Jul 1846 17 Aug 1924 d/o John Benita Palvadore & Mrs. Mary Brown; m 1st, George Harrell; m 2nd, John Thomas Hopkins -
Hopkins, William Levi 7 May 1846 11 Feb 1908
Smith Co TX
s/o James Howard Hopkins & Mary "Polly" Dean; 
m 1st, Malindy Roan/Rhone on 
26 Dec 1872;
m 2nd, Mrs. Sarah Josephine Burgess Mahan on 
8 Mar 1896
buried so side of Todd Parrish
Hudspeth, Benina Elizabeth 30 Apr 1889 13 Jul 1984 d/o Z.W.E. "Edd" Lane & Nancy Powell; w/o Bruce Hudspeth -
Hudspeth, Bruce 19 Sep 1880 7 Jan 1954 s/o W.M. "Bill" Hudspeth & Maud Blackman; h/o Benina Elizabeth Lane -
Hudspeth, Dewitt 14 Feb 1884 26 Feb 1974 s/o W. M. "Bill" Hudspeth & Maud Blackman -
Hudspeth, Dorothy 21 Mar 1949 12 Feb 1990 d/o William Hopkins & Louise Thomas; w/o Frank A. Hudspeth -
Hudspeth, Duvald 2 Aug 1907 21 Sep 1961 s/o Bruce Hudspeth & Benina Elizabeth Lane -
Hudspeth, E. Dewayne 17 Feb 1972 30 Jul 1974 s/o Eddie Earl Hudspeth & Delores Loraine Harris descendant of John Henry Luman & Mary Jane Weatherford
Hudspeth, Lester G. 31 Jan 1953 25 Jun 1977 s/o V. Lester "Jack" Hudspeth & Jean Davis -
Hudspeth, Mavy Ellen  13 Mar 1921 21 Jun 1991 d/o Jessie Jackson Hooper & Ada Josephine Byrd; w/o William Eddie Hudspeth -
Hudspeth, William Eddie 4 Mar 1910 31 Jul 1989 s/o Bruce Hudspeth & Benina Elizabeth Lane; h/o Mavy Ellen Hooper -

Johnson, Beatrice - 28 Jul 1923 d/o W. Frank Johnson & Kate Holmes no monument; location of grave unknown
Johnson, Infant - - child/o W. Frank Johnson & Kate Holmes no monument; location of grave unknown
Johnson, Lester - - s/o W. Frank Johnson & Kate Holmes -
Jones, Frances E. 1849 1905 d/o T. J. Hodges & Mary Ann Crenshaw; w/o Jessie David Jones -
Jones, Jessie David 1837 1905 m 1st, Matilda Snow; m 2nd, Frances E. Garrett

Koonce, Agnes 11 Dec 1919 26 Feb 1920 d/o Clifton Koonce & Essie Hopkins -

Lawrence, Louis 6 Jan 1894 21 Dec 1917 - -
Luman, Baby 24 Aug 1938 4 Oct 1938 child/o Jarrett Luman & Mittie Mancil -
Luman, George Washington 18 Jul 1874 22 Oct 1949 s/o John Henry Luman & Mary Jane Weatherford; h/o Lue Gray bscates@sat.net
Luman, Inet 15 Apr 1930 17 Dec 1933 d/o Jarrett Luman & Mittie Mancil -
Luman, Jasper E. 10 Oct 1920 21 Nov 1922 s/o Jarrett Luman & Mittie Mancil -
Luman, John Wesley 31 Jan 1882 19 Feb 1958 s/o John Henry Luman & Mary Jane Weatherford; h/o Martha L. Gray vivi@ktsnet.com
Luman, Lue 16 Jun 1873 27 Jan 1938 d/o John Gray & Fannie Churchman; w/o George Washington Luman bscates@sat.net
Luman, Martha L. 17 Jan 1875 11 Nov 1932 d/o John M. Gray & Fannie Churchman; w/o John Wesley Luman vivi@ktsnet.com

Mahan, Eliza Jane 2 Oct 1896 16 Nov 1937 d/o Lee Oliver & Eliza Luman; w/o Samuel Thomas Mahan chmahan@ktsnet.com
Mahan, Earnest Emory 13 May 1919 10 Oct 1942 s/o Samuel Thomas Mahan & Eliza Jane Oliver chmahan@ktsnet.com
Mahan, Myrtie 29 Oct 1890 4 Oct 1900 d/o Samuel S. Mahan & Sarah Josephine Burgess chmahan@ktsnet.com
Mahan, Nathan 2nd 6 Sep 1926 9 May 1945 s/o Samuel Thomas Mahan & Eliza Jane Oliver chmahan@ktsnet.com
Mahan, Samuel S. 4 May 1861 8 Mar 1894 s/o Nathan Mahan 1st & Sarah "Sallie" Harris;
h/o Sarah Josephine Burgess
{d/o T. J. Burgess & Emily Ann Crenshaw}
Mahan, Samuel Thomas 12 Aug 1894 21 Jun 1927 s/o Samuel S. Mahan & Sarah Josephine Burgess; h/o Eliza Jane Oliver chmahan@ktsnet.com
Mahan, Sarah Josephine 19 Nov 1871 28 Mar 1934 d/o Thomas Jefferson Burgess & Emily Ann Crenshaw; m 1st, Samuel S. Mahan, m 2nd, William Levi Hopkins; m 3rd, Thomas J. Fancher chmahan@ktsnet.com
Mancil, Aola 14 Feb 1872 30 Nov 1926 d/o W. M. "Bill" Hudspeth & Maud Blackman; w/o Will Mancil -
Mancil, Benice Pvt. 4 Oct 1892 11 Oct 1918 s/o James Isaac Mancil & Mary Elizabeth Hooper WWII BTRY C 126 FIELD ART AEF
Mancil, D. Ewell 12 Sep 1935 25 Oct 1935 s/o John Mancil & Rittie Chandler no monument; location of grave unknown
Mancil, Glenda Rae 1944 1944 - no monument; location of grave unknown
Mancil, Infant - - child/o William Merrel Mancil & Irene Fountain no monument; location of grave unknown
Mancil, Infant 29 Nov 1920 28 Feb 1921 s/o J. W. Mancil & R. C. Mancil -
Mancil, Infant - - child/o William Merrel Mancil & Irene Fountain no monument; location of grave unknown
Mancil, James Doyle 26 Nov 1920 28 Feb 1921 - -
Mancil, James Eric 6 Mar 1929 7 Oct 1991 s/o Jessie R. Mancil & Leona Fussell -
Mancil, James Isaac 1871 1959 s/o John Mancil & Janie Wilkerson; h/o Mary Elizabeth Hooper -
Mancil, James Obie 12 Sep 1895 30 Mar 1983 s/o James Isaac Mancil & Mary Elizabeth Hooper; h/o Nettie Fussell -
Mancil, Jessie R. 5 Mar 1898 29 Jan 1982 s/o James Isaac Mancil & Mary Elizabeth Hooper; h/o Leona Fussell -
Mancil, Lucy - - d/o John Mancil & Janie Wilkerson no monument; location of grave unknown
Mancil, Mary Elizabeth 1866 1929 d/o Napoleon Bonaparte Hooper & Mary Jane Harkness; h/o James Isaac Mancil no monument; location of grave unknown
Mancil, Mrs. J. E. 14 Feb 1873 30 Nov 1926 d/o W. M. "Bill" Hudspeth & Maud Blackman; 
w/o J. E. Mancil
no monument
Mancil, Will 13 Nov 1868 6 Jan 1961 s/o John Mancil & Janie Wilkerson; h/o Aola Hudspeth -
McAdams, Kenny 1953 1 Dec 1982 s/o Bob McAdams & Yvonne Willoughby; h/o Mrs. Suzanne Everett Blount -
Moore, Noah J. 3 Nov 1908 4 Mar 1971 s/o Richard T. Moore & Harriet Patsy Mora; h/o Vissie Vangriff -
Moore, Patsy 19 Feb 1880 13 Jul 1956 d/o Media Mora & Lizzie Holmes; w/o Richard T. Moore -
Mora, Jerry M. 4 Nov 1886 17 Jul 1956 s/o Media Mora & Lizzie Holmes; m 1st, Lena Y'barbo; 
m 2nd, Mary Y'barbo; m 3rd, Bessie Y'barbo
Mora, Thomas A. - 10 Mar 1941 s/o Media Mora & Lizzie Holmes; m 1st, Lucille Allen; m 2nd, Edna Ebarbo WWII TEX PVT 130 M G BN 35 DIV

Neal, Baby ca 1919 - child/o Edgar Neal & Belia Johnson -

Parrish, Lawrence - - s/o William Parrish & Margaret; h/o Susan Palvadore CSA CO D 7 TEXAS CAV
Parrish, Susan 4 Jul 1856 1 Apr 1916 d/o John Benita Palvadore & Mrs. Mary Brown; w/o Lawrence Parrish -
Parrish, Todd - - s/o Martha Parrish no monument; buried by W. L. Hopkins
Pipes, Abner Jr. 1835 1912 s/o Abner Pipes, Sr. & Nancy Ferrell; m 1st, Grace Newsom; m 2nd, Caroline Wheeler surmised to be buried here; 
TX Inf monument erected in 1984
Pipes, Elizabeth Fulsom 1876 - w/o James H. Pipes no monument; location of grave unknown
Pipes, James H. 1860 - s/o Windsor Pipes & Caroline; h/o Elizabeth Fulsom no monument; location of grave unknown
Pipes, Jesse - - - no monument; location of grave unknown
Pipes, Melvin - - - no monument; location of grave unknown
Posey, Alford - - s/o Albert Posey & Nannie Byrd no monument; location of grave
Posey, Evelina - - d/o Albert Posey & Nannie Byrd no monument; location of grave

Ross, Maggie Lee 1 Jan 1914 18 Apr 1925 d/o William Franklin Ross & Henrietta Phillips -

Sanford, Amanda Josephine 1858 ca 1919 d/o John Hamm & Selina; w/o John Thomas Sanford -
Sanford, John Thomas 1856 1923 (1925?) s/o Joab Sanford & America Mills; h/o Amanda Josephine Hamm
Stewart, Oma Hudspeth 1905 1956 d/o Bruce Hudspeth & Benina Elizabeth Lane; w/o John Stewart  -
Stott, David C. 12 Jan 1965 29 Apr 1965 s/o Audrey Stott no monument; location of grave
Stott, David Clayton 11 Dec 1957 - s/o Almuran "Bill" Stott & Edith White no monument; location of grave
Stott, Edith 1917 1973 d/o John C. White & Isabell Lynch; w/o Almuran "Bill" Stott {buried in Thomas Cemetery} no monument; location of grave 

Taylor, Florence Wheeler - - w/o John Taylor no monument
Taylor, Mary Angeline 17 Jun 1859 12 May 1912 d/o Fernando Wheeler & Mary J. ; w/o Thomas Taylor -
Taylor, Sylvania 1852 1909 h/o Mary no monument; location of grave
Taylor, Thomas 25 Jul 1856 28 Mar 1935 s/o Jim Taylor & Docia Winchester; h/o Mary Angeline Wheeler -

Waley, Alzenia 21 Aug 1902 17 Jul 1909 d/o Calvin W. Waley & Margaret E. "Maggie" Hopkins -
Waley, Benjamin Stephenson "Ben" 8 Jul 1891 14 Nov 1954 s/o Michel Walea/Waley & Mrs. Martha Parrish Posey; h/o Minnie Pipes no monument;
located below Alzenia Waley
Waley, Emory 27 Jan 1914 1 Oct 1916 s/o Calvin Waley & Margaret E. "Maggie" Hopkins -
Waley, Infants (5) - - children/o Benjamin S. Waley & Minnie Pipes no monuments; located on row below Alzenia Waley
Waley, Martha Parrish Posey 1845 (LA) - d/o William Parrish & Margaret; 
m 1st, ? Posey;
m 2nd, Michel Waley
no monument; located near Alzenia Waley
Waley, Michel 1852 (LA) 1922 s/o James Walea/Waley & Louisa Elizabeth Pivoteau; m 1st, Alzenia Hayes {drowned in a hurricane at Sabine Pass, LA along with five of her children, 12 Oct 1886};
m 2nd, Mrs. Martha Parrish Posey
no monument; located below Alzenia Waley
Waley, Minnie Pipes 10 Aug 1894 5 Nov 1950 w/o Benjamin S. Waley no monument; located below Alzenia Waley
Wheeler, Jeff 23 Oct 1860 16 Dec 1892 h/o Ida Brown  {buried in Shiloh Cemetery} -
White, Helen 24 Jan 1860 15 Jul 1928 w/o Henry White "Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep for which none here wake to weep"
White, Henry 24 Jan 1860 15 Jul 1928 h/o Helen no monument; 
dates same as wife's;
location unknown
White, Isabella 5 Oct 1898 6 Nov 1988 d/o ? Lynch; w/o John C. White -
White, James 3 Jan 1920 3 Feb 1920 s/o John C. White & Isabelle Lynch -
White, John C. 16 Feb 1881 5 Mar 1948 s/o Henry White & Helen; h/o Isabella Lynch -
White, T. A. 2 May 1849 16 Dec 1919 h/o T. H. White -
Wilkerson, Alfred A. 5 Jan 1898 20 Feb 1949 s/o Jim Wilkerson; h/o Forie Mancil -
Wilkerson, Audrey Mae 1928 1930 d/o Valdoran Wilkerson & Susie Green -
Wilkerson, Emma - 29 Dec 1926 d/o A. Wilkerson & Fannie Mancil age 3 yrs, 2 mos, 15 days;
no monument; 
location of this 
grave unknown
Wilkerson, Foline 25 Feb 1916 14 Mar 1920 d/o Taylor Wilkerson & Lillie Hinton -
Wilkerson, Monroe 1924 1927 s/o Waldoran Wilkerson & Susie Green -