Wow! Another visitor!
The Overholt Family Tree ~~ Karen's Branches.2
by Karen Rose Overholt
Critchfield, © 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
© 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
~~ Updated January 8, 2009 ~~
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Abraham Overholt Homestead House in West Overton, PA ~~ Photograph by K. R. Overholt Critchfield, © 1999
Welcome to all visitors, and hi, cousins! Hello! I am a direct descendant of Abraham Overholt (1784-1870), a Mennonite of Swiss ancestry who augmented his position as the family weaver by tending the family "still." Abraham became famous for his Pennsylvania rye whiskey, sold as Old Farm and Monongahela, originally at West Overton, East Huntingdon Township in Westmoreland County, Western Pennsylvania. Beginning with a log cabin distillery and a reputation for excellence, Abraham expanded the business over the course of his lifetime, until the name A. Overholt & Co. was synonymous for fine whiskey. Abraham built a second and more famous distillery at Broad Ford, on the banks of the Youghiogheny River, and it was there (years after the master distiller's death) that the brand name Old Overholt was coined. While Abraham's whiskey is a notable chapter of the family saga, there is so much more to be aware of regarding our formative years that touches upon pivotal events in European history, church history, and the history of Colonial America. From the time our ancestors left their mountain in Switzerland, to the time their descendants established Mennonite communities in William Penn's colony, to the time Henry Oberholtzer led his train of Conestoga wagons beyond the Allegheny Mountains -- the story of the Overholt Family provides many fascinating subjects of study and research. This GeoCities web site, dedicated to Abraham Overholt and the Extended Overholt Family, seeks to highlight those pioneers who settled the "wild country" west of the Allegheny Mountains, who cleared the land and built log cabins, and as they sowed the fields with grain, sowed the seeds of a large part of Western Pennsylvania history. I have set before me the task of doing my part to remember and commemorate their frontier spirit, their hard work, and all that yet remains of their combined effort to create something worthwhile. Sadly, the Overholts lost West Overton and the whiskey business, too. It was a tragedy precipitated by the meteoric rise of Henry Clay Frick (a grandson of Abraham Overholt), who needed coal to feed thousands of beehive coke ovens. The Industrial Revolution could easily be blamed for everything, but that would be an oversimplification. The truth is more complicated, for much of the innovation implimented by the Overholt Family at West Overton and Broad Ford enabled the birth of that revolution. Eventually, a diaspora occurred as the family split up, some traveling further westward and elsewhere, until the name "Overholt" came to be written in the histories of just about every state in the Union, including Hawaii. Today, through Internet search engines, we can find hundreds of descendants of the original Oberholtzer families that took root in Bucks County, Eastern Pennsylvania. Other branches (established lines and unestablished lines, in genealogical terms) settled throughout Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Virginia. Several Canadian lines took root in Ontario, and I have received e-mail from a few of their descendants. Some branches of the family still spell their surnames Oberholser or Oberholtzer, or use Overholt, Overholtz, Overholts, or some other spelling. But we are all the Extended Overholt Family now, no matter where we presently call home. I have heard from a distinguished Overholt cousin who is living and working in Hong Kong, China. I have heard from American GIs stationed in Europe, who are living near the towns in Switzerland and Germany, from where the Oberholtzers immigrated to America and William Penn's colony. Many cousins have written with a friendly "hello" and took the time to share personal stories and bits of interesting family history, some of which are found in my web pages. Since I published my first articles, many people (long-lost relatives and those who are interested in Overholt Whiskey) have expressed their appreciation of my work, often because they previously knew little or nothing about our family origins or historical significance. The "thank you" notes have been, and continue to be, a real blessing. I remain so glad I began this Internet adventure! If all goes well, this page will serve as a signpost for even more long-lost relatives, enabling us to become even more aware and reacquainted with each other. As my web-building skills sharpen, appearances may change, but the intent will always stay the same: I want to highlight as much of our story as possible, and encourage all of us to pay attention to what is happening at West Overton and Broad Ford. As I am able to do so, I will strive to generate interest in the Abraham Overholt Homestead and West Overton (now called West Overton Village and West Overton Museums), and in the future reclamation and renovation of the A. Overholt & Co. Distillery at Broad Ford. ~~ See Table of Contents Below ~~ You are invited to visit my other web pages (see below) for more history and some photographs of today's West Overton. I have accumulated quite a lot of pages now, but I hope you will consider your time well-spent! You will find a series of InterOverholt Memos, Feature Articles and Research Entries, which may turn out to be valuable resources for current and historic information, hopefully of interest to the Extended Overholt Family. GenForum has a page for the surname
"Overholt" that I hope you will visit. Visit GenForum's Overholt Family page. |
~~ Background ~~ ** Updated & Renovated January 5, 2005 **
The Overholt Family
The Overholt Family Tree ~~
Karen's Branches, Page One
The Overholt Family Tree ~~
Karen's Branches, Page Two
The Overholt Family Tree ~~
Karen's Branches, Page Three ~~ InterOverholt Memoranda ~~
Memo (4-28-2000)
Memo (5-12-2000)
Memo (8-4-2000)
Memo (8-13-2001)
InterOverholt Memo (11-10-2003)
InterOverholt Memo (1-5-2005)
InterOverholt Memo (12-26-2005) Feature Articles ~~ OLD OVERHOLT: The History of a
Whiskey ~~ * *
Updated & Renovated December 10, 2005 * *
Old Overholt, Part I
Old Overholt, Part II
Old Overholt, Part III
Addenda, Part I
Addenda, Part II
Timeline ~~ Our Stauffer Cousins ~~
Our Stauffer Cousins *
Updated *
Stauffer Family History in
Pictures * Updated *
Stauffer Generations
The Stauffer Homestead House
~~ West Overton ~~
on West Overton
Overton in the News
Overton News 2007b
Overton News 2006
Overton News 2005
Overton News 2004b
Overton News 2004
Overton News 2003
Overton News 2002
Overton News 2001
Overton News 2000 ~~ Karen as Author ~~ Photos of A Tale of Stone Soup ~~ Jacobs Creek ~~
Winifred Paul and Along the
Banks of Jacobs Creek ~~ NPS Report on West Overton (1985) ~~
West Overton Ranks as a Landmark in 1985 ~~ HABS Report on West Overton (1990) ~~
to HABS Report on West Overton
Report, Page One
Report, Page Two ~~ HABS/HAER Report on Broad Ford (1990) ~~ HABS/HAER-Broad
Ford ~~ Broad Ford Safari ~~ Broad
Ford Safari Changing
the Course of History Broad
Ford in the News ** NEW ** ~~ Broad Ford Seasons ~~ ** NEW ** Broad Ford Geocacher Broad Ford Autumn Broad Ford Winters ~~ Deep Run ~~
Last Remains & Family Plots ~~ Aerial Photographs ~~
Broad Ford
Views ~~ Samuel Dillinger ~~
The Overholt-Dillinger Connection
~~ Our Family Cemeteries ~~
Alverton Cemetery
Mount Pleasant Cemetery ** NEW** ~~ Sons & Grandsons ~~ ** NEW **
Sons & Grandsons of Westmoreland County,
Part 1
Sons & Grandsons of Westmoreland County,
Part 2
Sons & Grandsons of Westmoreland County,
Part 3 ~~ Overholser Family Association ~~
August 5, 2006 - Overholser Family Association 100th Anniversary
Memoir: Barbara Babst Ford ~~ Research Articles ~~
Research Entry #1
Research Entry #2
Research Entry #3
Research Entry #4
Research Entry #5
Research Entry #6
~~ Found Bottles & Artifacts ~~
Found Bottle
~~ Be sure to check back for new pages! ~~ E-mail |
~~ End of Page ~~