I am armed almost daily with my digital camera while at work.  I have been fortunate enough to capture numerous opportunities (or be captured) digitally.  Here are a few for your enjoyment.  If you are interested in more information about the animals, click on the pic or highlighted name for a link to a related website.


Indochinese Tiger cub

Wreathed Hornbill


Training a lion to target my fist

Weighing Beri Lee (a Northern Koala)


having a few words with Elmo the mini horse

helping intubate a male Polar Bear


Pallas' Cat (from the Himilayan region)  Photo was taken in it's quarantine enclosure...not at a studio!

Red Panda....the other Panda


Pygmy Marmoset waking up from anesthesia (he's not making this face on purpose!)

Giant Eland


Warthog enrichment:  Made a mud volcano, filled it with water and tossed in some veggies.  It was flattened in minutes!

Well, that's all for now....I have more pics to share...but will do my best to try and rotate these pics on a regular basis.  Don't forget to check out the links and learn a few things about some of the critters I work with.  I have purposefully avoided linking any of these pics to the San Diego Zoo; Other Zoos and institutions are doing similar work, I thought you might appreciate the variety.  However....please feel free to check out the San Diego Zoo (click on the highlight)...or click below to go directly to the Baby Panda Update Site!


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