Hello! With the advent of our wedding, Lori and I have discovered that keeping in touch with our family was not an easy task to do...the phone became the easiest method of relaying information to most of you (our phone bill is a testament to that!). Not even e-mail could make things any easier for us...especially when it came to sharing events and photos. It occured to me early one morning that a Cisneros/Dunivan Web Page would be a much easier way of keeping in touch with you all...allowing you to have a chance to see what we've been up to at your leisure. So what have we been up to? Well, probably number one on our list of things accomplished would be the planning of our wedding (still in progress as of this writing). The Wedding Date is set for 2 October at the Wild Animal Park. Friends and family from all over the States are planning on attending...we look forward to seeing you all and will miss those of you who will not be able to be there (especially Viv, Rich and kids). After the Wedding, Lori and I will take off to FRANCE! It will be my first visit, but #3 for her. Since we both speak French (She is MUCH better than I am), we are looking forward to being able to put to use what we both learned in college. We will spend one week in Paris, then one week in Royan visiting a Zoo friend on the Atlantic Coast of France. I will definitely post some photos from this trip! This summer, Lori and I attended my niece's wedding held at the Richard M. Nixon Library in La Brea CA. It was a wonderful wedding...done to perfection...done so well that I had to post some of the pics for you to see...Click here to see her wedding pics.