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Ken Rose's Home Pages

The Old Essex Schools Site name is Ken Rose and thank you for visiting my web site. I am a retired Production Engineer and I live in Essex, England. I am compiling a pictorial record of Essex Village Schools which I hope will be of interest, especially to people researching their family history in the Essex area.


Prior to 1902, Village Schools were known as "Board Schools", the "Board" being the Parish Council and Clergy. Attendance was not compulsory and the School Master was often the Parish Clerk. Also influential were the Clergy who dealt with religious education. Basic subjects were taught in a strict disciplinary atmosphere, the punishment cane being regularly exercised!!!

In 1902 education was taken over by County Councils, schools became known as "Free" schools and attendance was compulsory. There was strong opposition to this and an attempt to pass an Education Bill in 1906 met with fierce protests from liberals and the upper classes. One MP (Member of Parliament) called it "a tyrannical imposition of knowledge". Wealthy people feared that they would lose their cheap, uneducated labour and the Church worried about losing their influence.

The Parliamentary wrangle continued for some years, although County Councils retained control. The school leaving age was eventually raised to 14 years in 1918.

Over the years, some village schools have closed and some have been converted to other uses. However, many still flourish and are an integral part of village life, together with the Church and the Village Pub.


Index of School Photographs


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