"Bob & Vi"
Bob and Vi Butner

Here is some new information on the page as of 2-12-02:

What we know about Herman W. Eckenbach and wife Emma (Heine) Eckenbach:

 Herman William Eckenbach ( 03-04-1879 to 03-08-1952 ) was born in Essen , Germany . Herman had a brother named Friedrich born in 1871. Herman and Friedrich met two sisters. They were Else (born 1876), and Emma Heine. Both being born in Essen , Germany . The two brothers married the two sisters in Germany . Emma was born ( 01-24-1880 ). Herman and Emma married circa 1900 – 1901. They had their first child on ( 05-20-1902 ), in Essen , Germany . Her name was Elschen Louise Eckenbach (who later married Robert L. Butner). Elschen became Elsie in english.

For whatever reason, they decided to come to the United States of America . In September of 1907, Herman traveled to Antwerp , Belgium . On September 28th of 1907, he boarded the ship Zeeland . Ellis Island records his arrival, as ( 10-08-1907 ) on the vessel Zeeland He entered at the Port of New York .

Emma and Elschen Eckenbach came to America on the Kronprinzessin Cecile, and entered the U.S. on 02-11-1908 through the Port of New York .

Friedrich & Else (Heine) Eckenbach and their five year old son came to America 11-11-1909 , on the ship Cassel . They were suppose to have stayed at Poughkepsee , N.Y. . They had a son named Raymond H. Eckenbach (born January 1916). I have spoken with and corresponded with Ray frequently. Ray is (83) years old, and has severe Glaucoma. Both Friedrich and Else are deceased, and buried side by side in Long Eddy , N.Y. .

Now back to Herman and Emma Eckenbach:

From New York (as far as I know), they went to St Louis , Mo. . Their address there was, 4121 Taft Ave. In St Louis , Ralph William Fred Eckenbach was born on January 9th, 1915 at 8:00am in the morning. Herman was working somewhere there as a bookkeeper. Ralph died ( 04-28-95 ) at Peace Harbor Hospital , in Florence , Oregon .

Herman and family then moved to Boise , Idaho . Herman had made a “Petition for Naturalization” in St Louis , on 02-23-1917 , but stated he had to leave St Louis , “….. because of  sickness …..”. His new application states that he moved to Boise , Idaho on 07-02-1918 . There he worked as a bookkeeper for the Golden Rule Store (as did Elsie, his daughter)

In 1926, Herman and Emma divorced. By this time, Elsie (his daughter) had married Robert Leslie Butner (in 1924), and moved to Portland , Oregon . It is assumed that, that is what brought Herman and Ralph to Portland . Ralph, being very close to his sister Elsie, stayed with them most of his younger life.

Emma Eckenbach was said to of died when Ralph Eckenbach was 15 years old. This would be 1929. I was told that she died of cancer, (unknown what kind). So I’m checking different states circa that time.

My main interest at this time is finding where Emma Eckenbach is buried. It could be assumed that after the divorce, she went to stay with her sister Elsie (Heine) Eckenbach and could be buried with her sister. Unfortunately, all I know is her sister is buried in Long Eddy , N.Y. , but unknown what cemetery. 

Richard A. Butner




Was wir uber Herman W. Eckenbach und Frau Emma Wissen. Herman William Eckenbach 03-04-79 bis 03-08-52 wurde in Essen Geboren. Herman soll einen bruder gehabt haben. Friedrich’s alter ? Herman und Friedrich hierateten 2 Schwestern Elsie und Emma Hiene Geburtig in Essen Emma wurde am 01-24-80 Geb. Herman Heiratete Emma etwa 1900-1901. Das erste kind Elsie Louise Eckenbach wurde auch in Essen 05-20-02 Geb. Elsie Louise Heiratete Robert L. Butner ich wiss nicht die umstande, aber beide bruder mit Fam. Sollen uber Antwerp nach Amerika ausgewandert sein. Das jahr war 1907 und am 28 September fuhren sie auf dem shiff “Zeeland” oder “Zealand” nach Amerika papiere sagen nach dass die Eckenbach’s dorch Ellis Island eingewandertt sind. Friedrich und Fam. Sollen sich in Poughkepsee liedergelassen haben. Ein sohn stammt aus dieser ehe Raymond H Eckenbach Geb. January 1916. Ich spreche ofters mit ihm, aber Raymond ist schon 83 jh. Uno hat glaucoma. Seine eltern Friedrich und Elsie sind beide tot und in Long Eddy New York begraben. So jetzt wieder zuruck zu Herman und Emma. So vielich weiss sind sie nach St. Louis, MO. Gezogen. Ihre addresse damals war 4121 Taft Ave. Das zweite kind Ralph William Fred Eckenbach wurde am 9 Jan 15 8 uhr morgens geboren Herman soll im buro gearbeitet haben. Spater Herman und Fam. Zogen nach Boise, Idaho. Herman wollte Amarikanischer Staats burger werden in St. Louis Jan 23, 1917. Sagte aber er musse wegen krankheit nach Boise ziehen. In Boise fullte er wieder papiere aus um staatsburger zu werden 07-02-18 Herman arbeitete in Boise im buro fur “Golden Rule Store” tochter Elsie arbeitete dort ebenfalls. In 1926 Herman und Emma wurden geschieden. Tochter Elsie Heiratete in 1924 Robert Leslie Butner und zog nach Portland. Ralph zog zu Elsie nach Portland nach dem die eltern geschieden waren Ralph war 15 Jh. Er starb 04-28-95 in Peace Harbor Hospital. Emma soll nach der scheidung zu ihrer schwester und schwager gezogen sein. Etwa in 5 verschiedenen staaten sollen sie gewohhant haben 1929 soll Emma an krebs gesteorben sein. Wo es war weiss ich nicht. Mochte aber gerne wissen wo ihr grab ist.


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William A. Butner
(No Photograph)

William A. Butner and his descendents are noted here
in the above document of Descendents of Adam Butner.

Born: November 12, 1820 in Madison County, Ky.
Died: October 31, 1909 in Madison County, Ky.

Married February 18, 1840 to

Eliza Emeline Graves
Born about.: 1824 in Madison County, Ky.
Died about.: 1869 in Madison County, Ky.

Lyman Thomas Butner

Lyman Thomas Butner

Foster Butner
Foster Butner

Born: October 21, 1875 in Lexington, Ky.
Died: March 7, 1943 in Roseburg, Oregon

Married February 17, 1897 in Hickman, Ky.

Carrie Effie Nugent
Born: April 9, 1875 in Fulton, Ky.
Died: March 7, 1961 in Roseburg, Oregon

Robert Leslie Butner
Robert Leslie Butner







Butner Family Photos

Robert L. Butner and Elsie Louise (Eckenbach)

Circa 1924
This is Robert L. Butner proposing to Elsie
Louise Butner
-- they were married in Corvallis,
OR in 1924 so this places the photo somewhere
in that vicinity.

Carrie (Nugent) Butner Robert L. Butner
Circa 1952

Robert L., Robert S. and Robert F. Butner
Circa 1960
Some other pictures found with this one seem to point to this being taken in late 1960

Barbara, Lesley, Scott, Vi and Bill Butner
Circa 1961
From left, we have Barbara, Lesley, Scott and Vi with baby Bill in arms. The date on the picture is December 1961, but since there's no snow in the mountains, it's more likely that the picture was taken in the summer/fall of 1961.

Fran, Robert L., Elsie, Robert F., Gordon and
Dick Butner

Circa mid-1960's
This would appear to be the Butner clan at one of
the many Christmas gatherings at Gordon and
Marie's place in Mt. Vernon

Jeff, Rick, Doug, Richard (Dad), Teresa and
Larry Butner

Dick Butner on the occassion of his retirement party
from the Arlington Police Dept. (22) years. That's
pretty good for our family; Vi Butner, a Sgt. with 20
years; Dick Butner, a Sgt. with 24 years (total); Phil
Defries, a Sgt. with 27 years (Bellingham P.D.). Thats
71 years of public service!

Robert L. and Elsie Butner
Circa 1972?
This picture was taken at an anniversary family
reunion in Mt. Vernon, mid-1970's (?)

Robert F. Butner
Circa 1930
Robert F. Butner at an unspecified beach, apparently
taken when he was 2-3 years old (1930-31?).

Robert F Butner and Violet Butner
A nice picture of Robert Butner and Violet Butner

Robert F. Butner, Frances Nugent Butner, and Charles M. Butner
July 1960
Robert F. Butner (left) and his sister Frances Nugent Butner, along with Charles M. Butner. The location of this picture is at Robert L. Butner's home in Everett

Robert F. Butner
Circa 1972
Taken on the trail to Domkey Lake, near Lucerne on Lake Chelan. Chelan was a favorite vacation destination for the family for many years. Many years after this photo was taken, Bob and Vi's ashes were laid to rest not too far from here, in the waters of Lake Chelan off of Point No Point.

Vi Butner
Circa 1974-75?
This is a picture of Vi Butner as a Sgt. of the Everett
Police Dept.

Violet Helen (Hoss) Butner
Circa 1980 ?
This was taken at a week-long guided kayak trip down the Rogue River in Oregon.

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