The day before I popped out !!
Mackellar Isabel Renshaw
NOTE: Double click on photo to enlarge
Makellar Isabel Renshaw was born on the 20th of September at 16:30.
She was born in the bath at Lower Hutt Hospital and weighed in at 7lb 9oz. At the birth were Denise (obviously) and Peter and Denise's Mum Janice along with midwife Helen.  
The day before
Mackellar's first days
Look at those Ju Ju lips !!
I love cuddles !!
I think I should be sleeping now !! another cuddle !!
Mums happy i"m eating (reallly happy)
Time for sleep!!!
Me and my wonderful Dad !! aint he great??
You can see it on her face that she loves me !!
Me and Nanna Cribb
legs !!!
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I'm soooo cute me !!!
Asleep with Nanna