<BGSOUND SRC="/angels_remembered/youll_never_walk_alone.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
A fleeting thought
A cherished memory
A passed down quote
From loved one
To Loved one.

What do you think of?
Or better yet
Who do you remember?
When these things float
Through your mind.

Do you remember
Grandma or Grandpa?
Or maybe your
Husband or Wife?
Perhaps even a Child?

Or sometimes it's
Your Mom or Dad?
Mayber it's your
Brother or Sister?
Could it be your friend?

Our love ones
Gone to Eternal LIfe
To serve as Angels,
Messengers, Guardians

Fear not that you'll forget them
For alive they will remain
In your mind, in your heart
For they are


  This poem was written for me  by my daughter AmandaLeePalmer. This poem is copywritten, so don't take it as your own, even tho you may share it with others.
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