Left: Tater was born very lethargic with mutliple seizures and infantile spasms. About 6months of age, he was given dilantin. We believe this caused the arching and posturing. As you can see in this picture, the arching caused him to loose weight. He is a little over a year old, and he weighed about 9pds. Shortly after this picture was taken, he was prescribed medication for reflux and aspiration. Baclofen was also prescribed to loosen him him. Soon after that he had a gastronomy tube placed in his belly for feeding. Once the tube was placed and medications were stabilized, his weight  improved greatly.
Upper: Here is another picture showing the arching. He was constantly arching in this position. This picture is before he got really bad.
Upper: Tater and his big sister Ashley. Look how stiff he is due to the dilantin! Baclofen and valuum were prescribed to help loosen him. It took a while but eventually he straightened. He is still quite still, but we can get him to bend at this hips. Then, we couldnt get him to even lay straight.
Upper: Tater at 2 days old. We had no clue how sick he was, and what road lay ahead.
Upper: Tater now...very happy health big boy!
Upper:This picture probably best captures Tater. He is loving his Granny here. Although Tater cannot talk (due to a complete trachea seperation) he talks to us by using his eyes, face, and body. When I look at him in this picture, and compare it to the rest, I can tell how much God has already began to heal him. I am excitied to see how the rest of God's healing will unfold.
Tater now...with his cousin and the other miracle in this family, Seth. Upper: Spanky, Papa, and Tater. Doing what they do best!
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Tater now...sleeping with his Gingiegirl.
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