
The Old Stone Church of Cresco, Iowa

Welcome to the "Old Stone Church" website. It's purpose is to bring awareness of the church and to remember those who founded it. Please visit each page of the site. There is information about the church, the founding families of the church, the Preservation Society, the Founding Families Newsletter, events that concern the "Old Stone Church" and the families of the church.

A special celebration to commemorate the founding of St. John's Lutheran "Old Stone Church" 150 years ago (1859) will be held the week-end of August 1 and 2, 2009. Please watch this website for further details or contact mjohn@hughes.net.

This site was last updated on May 8, 2007

***Main Page***Old Stone Church Page***The Founding Families***
***The Founding Families Page 2***Preservation Society***
***Founding Families Newsletter ***Old Stone Church Reunion***
***Old Stone Church Pictures ***Area Motels***
***Contact Us***

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