You might wonder what made us decide to adopt again, and all we can say is that it was God who put this desire into our hearts. Our daughter Ranay Mei who we adopted from Taiwan in 2002 is now 5. We are excited about the opportunity to offer at least one more child-in-need a family to love and the opportunity to learn about Jesus. We know God has chosen a special child just for us and we plan to name him Elijah James. We are eager to be completely faithful to what He is calling us to do. It will be exciting to see how He works out the whole adoption process.
Adoption is a wonderful way to build or add to a family, but it is not an inexpensive venture. Adoption expenses include document preparation and translation, hiring of attorneys and other professionals in the U.S. and China, travel, hotels, passports and more. We have raised most of what we need already and just need about $5,000 to finish...while awaiting travel approval
A person can make a tax-deductible donation through Children's House International on our behalf in Elijah's name. This money will be used toward adoption expenses. All contributors receive a tax receipt for their donation.
Please call or email us with any questions you may have regarding our situation. We are happy to talk about this wonderful adventure. My email address is
Contact information for our agency is:
Linda and Jim Rohrbaugh
Links to other sites on the Web
Children's House International
© 2004 by Pat Steele
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