The Unit

This photograph was taken at the Fort Branch re-enactment on November 7, 1998. As you can tell we are dressed in Union uniforms. At that particular event we went as 2nd U.S Cavalry, Dismounted. During the course of the year, we often switch uniforms and go as Union troops or Confederate troops, whatever is needed on the battlefield.
The unit goes to at least one event per month. These usually start with the journey to the sight on Friday. Most of the fighting takes place on Saturday, with some fighting on Sunday as well, depending on the event, and then, after the fight on Sunday, we break down camp and head home.

During the course of the year, we often get together for drill practice, which is conducted in period military style. Also, on the first Friday of each month, we have group meetings to discuss company business, ideas, etc. The meetings take place at Captain Martin's house.
All are welcome to contact Captain Don Martin or 1st Sergeant Russell King via email.

The Company Roster
Company Commander-Captain D. Martin
Company 1st Sergeant-1st Sgt. R.E.King
Company Adjutant-Tpr. J.Starr
Provost Marshal-Cpl.D.King
Commissary Dept.-Civilian K.King&1st Sgt.R.King
Ord.Sgt./Chief of Scouts-Cpl.R.Starr
Company Aid de Camp-Unassigned

1st Squad
Cpl .J. Wuest
Tpr. C. Anderson
Tpr. L. Stanley
Tpr. A. Brookes
Tpr. Al Logan
2nd Squad
Tpr. J. Fuller
Tpr. J. Helton
Tpr. M. Stahl
Tpr. R. Frinks
3rd Squad (Reserves)

Cpl. J. Turner
Tpr. J. Landis
Tpr. J. Bradley
Tpr. P. Rowland
* Cavalry shall be promoted according to the Manpower and Management scale.
* Reserve Cavalry shall be promoted according to the Reserve scale.
* Regular Cavalry strength is 17.
* Reserve Cavalry strength is 3.
* Company strength is 1 Officer, 6 Non-Commissioned Officers, 12 Troopers.
* Total is 19.