Karen's Family & Kids Page

Hi, my name is Karen, and I'm a stay-at-home mum in Australia. This page is all about me, my family and life in Australia. Not really mindblowing stuff, but you might find it interesting. I hope so, anyway.

About Me I'm 30 (ish), and have been a stay-at-home mum since my daughter was born in 1996.  Before that I worked as a personal assistant/word processor operator for several different places over a 10 year period.  After my daughter was born I set up a work station to work from home and just worked when the opportunity came up, a bit here, a bit there.  That all fell by the wayside after the birth of my son in 1998, and now I am enjoying (most of the time) being a full-time mum and watching my children grow and experience life.  Certainly more of a challenge than work ever was!  I would like to return to some form of work when my son starts kindy, but that is a long way off - watch this space!

About Hubby He's 30ish too (older than yours truly) and is a real gem. He used to work in an office, but after 13 years decided that he would much rather work in hospitality, so he took the plunge (so did his wages) and did a bar and waiting course and found himself a job - three years later he is managing a sporting social club for one of only two football teams in this state that play in the national competition known as the AFL. I'm so proud of him. To top it all off, he's a great dad too.

My sincere thanks goes to Renee for making me this gorgeous snow globe!

Our Firstborn Tori-Lee
The light in our lives, our little Autumn Angel, arrived in March of 1996, four days early and upside down, and has turned our lives upside down as a result! She is just a bundle of energy, has the mind of a 30 year old, and the stubbornness of her star sign Aries. She has her father wrapped around her little finger, and can get anything she wants with a bat of her eyelashes and a "pleeeeeeeese daddy??". She goes to swimming classes and calisthenics, and never seems to have enough hours in a day for what she wants to do. We love her heaps. If you would like to read Tori's birth story,CLICK HERE

Tori-Lee has her own page

Our Second Blessing Luke
In July 1998 our Winter Child was born. One day earlier than expected he caused his mother no end of trouble, and ended up being born by c-section after 13 hours of labour and getting nowhere. I think the cold weather must have put him off. He is a gorgeous little boy, so mischevious and always getting into things he KNOWS he's not supposed to. He loves his big sister and is always trying to help her play with her toys, much to her disgust. He has big blue eyes and blonde hair, and shows off his two teeth with a dazzling smile. He's mum's boy!To read Luke's birth story,CLICK HERE

Luke's page is a work in progress

My web site seems to be growing bigger and bigger, so I've decided to put in a "menu" to make it easier to move around!

[My Favorite Links]

[Tori's page] and her [Birth story]

[Luke's page] and his [Birth story]



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Family News For the week starting June 19

Whoops, been a bit slack with the updates AGAIN haven't I? Well, I have no excuses this time, except to say that I am a member of a Yahoo club for babies born in July 1998 and they are post-aholics, by the time I catch up with all the messages I have no time for anything else!!

Tori's 4th birthday has been and gone, she is now at kindy four days a week, swims on Tues and Thurs and has calisthenics on Saturday mornings. She is such a busy little miss these days! Her calisthenics concert is next Tues night so I am busy putting finishing touches on her costumes. I've lost count of how many times I've pricked my finger with the needle!

In just four short weeks Luke will be two - where have those two years gone?? He is a real little boy now, cheeky grin and rosy cheeks, hair still blonde as blonde. I have some new pics of them both to scan, so stay tuned for updates!

As far as my working life goes, things went really well with my first season of selling clothes. Can't wait for the summer range to come out! Hopefully I will make enough money to buy some of the gear for the kids this season.

Well, I feel really guilty about not having updated this page earlier - its been 3 months!!! I promise to make the effort to update at least once a month from now on.


Thanks Susie for these great graphics. If you need graphics, this is THE place to go!

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