C ommunityTechnology Resources

From MeriSol Services, Inc.

Empowerment of individuals and communities towards economic vitality through the establishment of dynamic community based information resource and training centers.


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The goal of Merisol Services, Inc. is the empowerment of individuals and communities by providing the resources and training for a dynamic community operated Technology and Multimedia Resource Center. The basis for this program is the recognition that access to modern information systems technology and the resources available with the Internet is becoming a vital component in creating and maintaining financial success. There is a growing disparity between the financially disadvantaged members of our nation's communities and people who have access to computer information systems education and the Internet. This topic, commonly referred to as the digital divide, is an issue that has been raised for several years. Access to education in information systems and to Internet resources is becoming increasing vital for employment opportunities, community financial stability, and ultimately the ability of our nation's companies to maintain a qualified workforce. The demand for Information Technology (IT) professionals is so high in the US that four out of five positions filled are a result of recruitment from other companies. Nationwide, companies are forced to look for qualified employees proficient in high technology systems internationally.

Access to information and resources such as the availability of medical records, legal resources, tax information and electronic filing and electronic commerce over the Internet is becoming increasingly important for senior citizens, minorities and disadvantaged individuals, sectors of the population which lacks access to Internet information resources and computer systems education.

There is a high demand for local computer information systems training from both local industries and from companies specializing in high technology wishing to relocate.


The vehicle for for the fulfillment of the mission statement of MeriSol Services Inc. is the creation of Community Technology Resource Centers. This program offers individuals local paid jobs training programs in a variety of Information Systems skills. This program is designed to train and train and employ local members of the community in all aspects of the operations of the Technology Resource Centers. Thus the function of providing training within the Community Technology resources Center fulfills the needs of the community for high technology jobs training while addressing the need for free community access to high-speed Internet resources and computer information systems under the guidance of participants in the program. The goal of this program is the transferrance of the Technology Resource Center to the community.

This project is designed to be an ongoing and permanent program, developing in scope to train targeted individuals in a wide variety of computer systems and clerical skills. Participants will be trained in business administration, project leadership, accounting, fiscal management, grant and proposal writing, accounting skills, secretarial skills, broadcast video production, photo journalism, desktop publishing, multimedia graphics development, Network Administration, and Intranet and Internet Web Site creation and maintenance.

An integral aspect of this program is the mentorship roles of both instructors and participants. Participants will carry this model forward in their role as mentors to members of the community who need access to these resources. Participants will be available to instruct members of the community on Information Systems Technology and Internet access for their medical, legal, and educational needs and interests.

Participants will be selected from applicants and individuals recommended by participating community organizations. The selection committee will be composed of the Project director, instructors, and staff from the Human Resources Department. Selection criteria will be based upon income level or other status as disadvantaged individuals. The Technology Resource Center's departmental functions will be divided into tasks that become focal points for arranging mentorships. Mentors will be selected based upon their experience, skills and their committment to the mission and goals of the corporation. Staff from each department will work in a mentorship capacity with their Task Groups. The participants will be admitted into various Task groups based upon their preference, skill level and upon the recommendations of the Selection Committee.

Participants will be responsible for electing two representatives to sit on the Oversight Committee. These representatives will work under the supervision of the Project Director. Their functions are: Tracking the the Project Manager in providing training to Task Group Managers in the methods used for tracking Management goals; They will be taught the use of computer software tools to create critical path analysis of the project stages, defining related projects, and coordinating timely completion of Project Tasks with other Task Group Managers. Task Group Managers will take part in periodical board meetings with staff. These meetings serve as a forum in which participants and mentors periodically take stock of the project as a whole, evaluate progress, and report to the Oversight Committee.


  1. Train disadvantaged individuals, minorities and other selected members of the community in challenging activities through which they will learn valuable social, managerial and technical jobs skills, grow, feel connected and gain a sense of pride in individual and group accomplishments and newly found abilities. Participants will learn to work as team members and as mentors.

  2. Establish a community based resource center that will provide instruction to members of the community who lack access to computer information systems and to the increasing important resources. available over the Internet.
  3. Create Task Groups within each department of the corporation to provide Participants with the requisite training necessary to operate the respective departments independently.
  4. Select Task Group Managers to work as assistants to the mentors, providing a higher level of training in managerial and project leadership skills.


Specific tasks to be created and skills to be acquired include the following.

  1. The development of management skills through educational training, mentorship with management and staff, and participation as Task Group managers.
  2. The development of accounting/fiscal management skills through educational training and mentorship participation with the accountant and fiscal manager.
  3. The development of computer skills, including accounting software, word processing, spreadsheet and database programs, project management, and financial reporting.
  4. Training in corporate financial management, developing business reports, and tracking financial goals.
  5. Developing team work, project leadership and management skills.
  6. Developing skills in fundraising and public relations.
  7. Developing skills in media relations.
  8. Developing skills in education and experience in photo-journalism and multimedia skills.
  9. Developing skills in in writing proposals, grant writing, and nonprofit corporation fundraising.


Existing organizations and media channels, as well as the establishment of Intranet and Internet Web sites will be employed to provide current information of the Program to Board members, participants, staff mentors, and to present and potential donors. The multimedia Center will also function to present the opportunities this project offers for the participants, as well as the benefits to society as a whole.


Projects will be broken down into Task Groups that will be used as vehicles for collaborations and pairings between participants and instructors, and professionals. One Participant of each Task Group will be elected as manager of that group, and will operate understudy to the employer/employee relations, and will act as liaisons between management and project participants. The following mentorships will be created.


Three students will be chosen as participant directors, with the Executive Director a mentor. These students will gain experience in setting financial goals, reviewing and interpreting budgets and financial reports, evaluating financial performance and making appropriate reports to funders and oversight agencies.


Three selected participants will work in a mentorship capacity with the accountant, and will assist in the preparation and presentation of financial reports to the Treasurer.


Understudies to the Executive Director will be selected from the participants, learning purchasing protocols and documentation, funder requirements, purchase orders, requests for public bids, monitoring costs against the budget, and interfacing with accounting.


A Task Group will be selected to receive training on Web Site design and maintenance, upload project developments to the site, respond to questions from inquiries on the Web, and seek out information that may be helpful to this project.


A Task Group will be selected to receive training on Network Administration and network design and maintenance, overseeing the implementation of the network system in the Multimedia Center and all administrative and clerical offices.


Video Production Task Group. All phases of the Program will be documented. Multnomah Community Television (MCTV) resources will be utilized for video production training, equipment and facilities. Instruction will entail the use of broadcast quality video cameras, editing, graphics and text composition, special effects, and show production. The Video Production Task Group will be assigned to document the programs development and the success of the students involved in the project. Shows produced by the Task Group will be aired bi-monthly monthly on MCTV cable TV.

The Multimedia Task Group will receive training on Multimedia and Desktop Publishing systems. Participants in this Task group will use the video media collected from the Video Task Groups, the Photojournalism Group and other material on the project, to create and maintain a Web site on the local Intranet and the Internet. Information published will include the mission and goals of MeriSol Services Inc., frequently updated information on the status of the project and objectives acheived. Constant updating and improving the quality of a Web Site maintains audience interest and provides valuable training for the Participants. This experience provides incentive for participants to develop creative design, learn multimedia graphics design and production, promote creative thinking and discussion, and learn valuable skills. The benefit is increasing access to relevant information to current and potential donors, and serving as a central bulletin board for the exchange of information and ideas between participants, members of the Board of Directors, staff, and the general public. A Photo-Journalism Task Group will be selected from participants, who will work under a mentor to photograph the various stages of the projects, and compose a series of articles documenting the project in it's entirety. Mentors will assist participants of the Photo Media Task Group in interviews and photography, using computer graphics and publishing software in the composition, layout and drafting of the articles which will be submitted. The Photo Media Task Group will work with the Multimedia Task Group to incorporate photographs and interviews into the Corporate Web Site. Task Group members will become involved in marketing and promotion for this and other media sources.


This program offers communities in disadvantaged areas a locally controlled nonprofit central information systems center and a high technology jobs training facility. Participants will be trained in job skills in each department of the corporation with the intention of transferring ownership of the Resource Center to the community. Thus the function of the training program within the Community Technology Resources Center fulfills the needs of the community for high technology jobs training while addressing the need for free community access to high-speed Internet resources and computer information systems under the guidance of participants in the program. The goal of this organization will be realized during the final phase of the program when participants will utilize their training to establish nonprofit status and Merisol Services transfers the operation of the Technology Resource Center to the communitiy.

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