1. Upon graduation I will:(check one)

enter graduate school full-time.

enter graduate school part-time and begin a full/part-time job.

begin a full-time job.

begin a part-time job.

continue to seek employment.

2. If you have a full-time job upon graduation plese provide

a. the position title
b. employer/company
c. What is your salary range?

3. What was your undergraduate major/specialization?

If you chose other from above, please type your major below.

4. What was your status when entering the University of Florida?

High School Graduate

Transfer student from Community College

Transfer student from 4-year University

5. How satisfied were you with your undergraduate CALS/SFRC education?

Very Satisfied




Very Dissatisfied

6. How satisfied were you with the quality of academic advising in your major?

Very Satisfied




Very Dissatisfied