Donna Kaye
Donna Kaye
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Let me tell you about myself. I'm 43 years old. Married to a wonderful man now for 6 years. I have two step sons. And we are expecting our very first grandchild in June.We are excited about that. Her name will be Hanley Nicole.
My Hobbies and interests include watching old movies with my husband on a rainny nite.Watching the Dallas Cowboys. Building web Sites. Raiseing pugs.I love doing anything with the family. Going to see the lastest movies. Walking, Fishing,Playing games online. I like trying new things.
My mother is my best friend. I have some great friends Some are still in my like and some has moved on.I work with some wonderful people.

My mother is my best friend. I lost my Dad about 3 years ago. I also last my oldest sister (Sheila) 5 years ago. I miss them both so much. I have one older sister Bonnie.And also a younger brother. He has two great kids Name Dalton and Taylor. Which I think the world of.I'm the middle child.I married a wonderful man (Guy) 6 years ago. He has two sons Michael and Bryan which he is now married to Toni. And we will soon have our frist grandchild.

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