Here's my latest cake creation. This was Adam's 2nd birthday cake. I used a ball cake pan. Adam picked it out. He wanted to play with the ball instead of eat it. |
This was Adam's 1st birthday cake. I used a 13x9 cake pan and shaped
the car using aluminum foil. I didn't have time to buy a car cakepan. |
I enjoy decorating cakes. This was Little Dave's birthday cake for his second birthday. I looked all over for
a Blue's Clues cake pan and they hadn't made one yet. (1998) I had to design the pan myself. I used a 13x9 cake pan and shaped
Blue using aluminum foil to reshape the pan. I had to use a smaller rectangular pan for her body. It turned out very well. I
enjoy doing projects like this. It is fun to come up with something and design it yourself. |
I recently purchased three Princess Leia action figures. I think they are pretty cool. I always wanted one
when I was little. I still haven't acquired the ones where she's dressed like a bounty hunter and on the moon Endor. |
 | This is little
Dave's first birthday cake. It is a train going around the number 1. I haven't figured out what to make for Adam's 1st birthday. |
 | This is Little Dave's birthday cake for his 3rd
birthday. The icing was horrible! I put too much dye in it. Next time, I'll know not to make that mistake again. |