Welcome to Newfoundland Rail Scenes, an online album of railway and rail-related photographs from my collection.
Issue No. 1 features my home town, Whitbourne, which for many years was an important centre for railway operations in Newfoundland. Further information is available in the chronology I have compiled, entitled Whitbourne and the Newfoundland Railway.
From time to time I will be adding to the album by featuring other places, stations, equipment, and people I have photographed during my railfanning travels. I hope you will return to my Web site periodically to see these additions.
To go to any of the issues currently available in Newfoundland Rail Scenes, click on that item in the box below...
Whitbourne, Nfld., winter 1989-90.
I invite you to sign my Guestbook before you leave. You will find it below.
If you haven't done so lately, I hope you will visit R.P.N. Publishing's Web site, The School Car, which recalls the days when a travelling school brought the Three R's to remote railway settlements in Newfoundland, 1936-42. There you will also find many interesting links to explore. To visit The School Car, just click on the small image showing the front cover of the book.
This Web site was published October 29, 1998. Last updated: January 3, 2000.
I hope you enjoy your visit to Newfoundland Rail Scenes. Please bookmark this site and come back again.
If you wish to contact me, my e-mail and postal addresses, as well as my Guestbook, are shown below.
Goodbye for now.
Randy P. Noseworthy
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