Amanda's Page
Amanda playing in the hay at the Pumpkin Patch-Oct 2002
Amanda in the wagon with Kendra at the Pumpkin Patch.  Oct 2002
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This web site is for family and friends accross the United States who are concerned and worried for Amanda's sickness.  She has what is called Juvenile Dermatomyositis (will be referred to as JDMS)..

JDMS is a rare autoimmune disease.  It usually occurs in children 8-9 years old.  Amanda is only 3 years old!!  In JDMS the immune system is attacking the blood vessels, leading to the inflammation (called vasculitis) of blood vessels and muscles.  Some of the common symptoms of JDMS is muscle weakness, skin rash, fever and fatigue.  Other symptoms not so common are arthritis, vasculitis ulcers and slowed growth.

Amanda's symptoms are:  rash on the face (prinarily the eyelids), knees, elbows, and knuckles; unable to walk since New Years Eve due to muscle weakness; inflammed muscles and joints (arthritis); fever;  and fatigue. 

Looking back, Amanda's first symptoms showed up in late October.  She developed her rashes and it wasn't until the middle of December that the muscle weakness showed.  She was diagnosed  after going to a Pediatric Rheumetologist on Thursday, January 25, 2002.  Her current medication is a high dose of Prednisone which is a corticosteroid.  There is a 50/50 chance that she will have to go into the hospital within the next week to receive medication intravenously.

The Prednisone has many side effects such as increase in appitite, mood swings, weight gain, high blood pressure, cataracts, and weak bones.

There is a long road to recovery (18 months to 2 years).  In a month we will start Physical Therapy so the Amanda can regain the full use of her muscles.  She will be on Prednisone for most of the next two years.

We will continue to update you on any changes to Amanda's sickness.
Here are some usefull links regarding JDMS. 
Arthitis Foundation
You can email me at to leave any comments

Thank You for your concern, thoughts and prayers!!