The Tansey's live in the beautiful, (almost a mile...) high desert, city of Sierra Vista, surrounded by the Huachuca, Mule and Mustang Mountains, in 'Sunny' Southeastern Arizona. We are approximatly 20 miles from the Mexico border. We moved here from Leominster, ...(Sue Gardner's Leominster Pages)... in the central part of Massachusetts, September 1993. Tucson is about 70 miles NW of Sierra Vista. Tombstone, 'The Town Too Tough Too Die', is located about 16 miles East. Bisbee, about 30 miles SE, is another local interest. Nogales, Sonora, Mexico (& AZ) is an hour away (60 miles SW) for a fun time in Mexico. You can find out more about us by clicking on our names. We have 3 grown children: Mark, Kelley Paskell, and Deborah LeBlanc. We also have 6 grandchildren: Kelley, Randy, Matthew, Jason and Zackery Paskell, Joseph 'Joey" David LeBlanc and Markayla Sierra Tansey. We have three other 'adopted' grandchildren named Billy, Armanda, and Ashley Brady.
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My thanks to Linn Barringer & Ipswich Borough Council for the use of their gif's. Also Ron Burrell (aka: Jarrett, Old Codger, All That Jazz, Son of a Brit, and many more for his help and support). Also to anyone else whom I may have 'borrowed' from. If you see something you like...feel free to take it. This web site is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only. It is maintained for non-profit and non-commercial use. No profit is gained or solicited by this web-site. I reserve the right to edit the content and you have the right to tell me you don't like my edits!