This page was updated on March 25, 2009
About our Pack
- Cub Scout Pack 1140, of the Boy Scouts of America, is sponsored by the Kirkwood Presbyterian Church in Springfield, Virginia.
- The pack was founded in 1966.
- Pack 1140 is part of the Old Dominion District in the National Capital Area Council.
- Pack meetings are held at Kirkwood at 7:00pm on the fourth Monday of each month.
- Many of our scouts are students at Cardinal Forest Elementary School.
Contact Pack 1140
- Contact Pack 1140's Committee Chair, Corey Koneczny.
- Contact Pack 1140's Cub Master, Steve Richardson.
- For comments on the content of this Web Site to include, but not limited to, copyrights and invalid links, contact the Webmaster.
- July 2006 - The new scout shop in Springfield is open for business! The shop is located in the shopping center where Braddock Road intersects with 495. The address is 5234 Port Royal Road, and the phone number is 703-321-4836. Business hours are Mon, Tue, and Wed 10am-7pm, Thu 10am-8pm, Fri 10am-6pm, Sat 10am-4pm.
Calendar of Events
Date | Time | Type | Location | Remarks |
Aug-01-2008 | Activity | |||
Aug-07-2008 | Leader Meeting | Cancelled | ||
Aug-07-2008 | 6:30p-7:30p | Pack Check | Kirkwood Parking Lot | Cub World Pack Check |
Aug-08-2008 | 11:00 AM | Camping | Cub World Haymarket, VA | |
Aug-14-2008 | Roundtable | T.J. High School | Leader's Meeting | |
Aug-14-2008 | 8:00p-9:30p | Training | T.J. High School | Roundtable |
Aug-16-2008 | Outing | Bowl America Burke | ||
Aug-16-2008 | 8:30a-10:30p | Paper Drv | Kirkwood Parking Lot | Paper Drive |
Sep-04-2008 | Leader Meeting | |||
Sep-05-2008 | Activity | |||
Sep-11-2008 | Roundtable | T.J. High School | Leader's Meeting | |
Sep-15-2008 | 6:30 PM | Activity | Cardinal Forest BTSN K-3 | |
Sep-17-2008 | 6:30 PM | Activity | Cardinal Forest BTSN 4-6 | |
Sep-20-2008 | 8:30p-10:00p | Service Project | Kirkwood Parking Lot | Paper Drive -- Rain or Shine |
Sep-25-2008 | 7:00p-8:30p | Activity | Kirkwood Fellowship Hall | Join Scouting Night |
Sep-29-2008 | 7:00p-8:00p | Pack Meeting | Kirkwood Fellowship Hall | |
Oct-02-2008 | Leader Meeting | |||
Oct-03-2008 | Activity | |||
Oct-04-2008 | 5:00p-8:30p | Activity | IWL | Pack Campfire |
Oct-09-2008 | Roundtable | T.J. High School | Leader's Meeting | |
Oct-18-2008 | 8:30p-10:00p | Service Project | Kirkwood Parking Lot | Paper Drive -- Rain or Shine |
Oct-26-2008 | 2:00p-3:00p | Activity | West Springfield Track | Cub Olympics |
Oct-27-2008 | 7:00p-8:00p | Pack Meeting | Kirkwood Fellowship Hall | |
Oct-27-2008 | 7:00p-8:00p | Service Project | Kirkwood Fellowship Hall | Scouting for Food Bag Distribution to Leaders |
Nov-01-2008 | Service Project | Neighborhood | Scouting for Food Bag Distribution | |
Nov-03-2008 | Hiking | Historic Hike | Ted Johnson | |
Nov-06-2008 | Leader Meeting | |||
Nov-07-2008 | Activity | |||
Nov-13-2008 | Roundtable | T.J. High School | Leader's Meeting | |
Nov-15-2008 | 8:30p-10:00p | Service Project | Kirkwood Parking Lot | Paper Drive -- Rain or Shine |
Nov-24-2008 | 7:00p-8:00p | Pack Meeting | Kirkwood Fellowship Hall | |
Dec-04-2008 | Leader Meeting | Dec-Jan Leader Meeting | ||
Dec-05-2008 | Activity | |||
Dec-08-2008 | Service Project | Burke Healthcare Caroling | Caroling--Heather Shackley | |
Dec-11-2008 | Roundtable | T.J. High School | Leader's Meeting | |
Dec-15-2008 | 7:00p-8:00p | Pack Meeting | Kirkwood Fellowship Hall | |
Dec-20-2008 | 8:30p-10:00p | Service Project | Kirkwood Parking Lot | Paper Drive -- Rain or Shine |
Dec-28-2008 | Hiking | Historic Hike | John Mittauer | |
Jan-01-2009 | 7:00p-8:00p | Leader Meeting | Cancelled | Will combine Dec-Jan at December 4 meeting |
Jan-05-2009 | Den Meeting | Kirkwood | ||
Jan-08-2009 | Roundtable | T.J. High School | Leader's Meeting | |
Jan-08-2009 | 6:00 PM | Meeting | wolf meeting | |
Jan-10-2009 | 10:30a-12:00a | Activity | Kirkwood Fellowship Hall | Pinewood Derby Test Drive |
Jan-15-2009 | 6:00 PM | Meeting | ||
Jan-17-2009 | 12:00p-4:00p | Activity | Kirkwood Fellowship Hall | Pinewood Derby |
Jan-19-2009 | 7:00p-8:00p | Pack Meet | Kirkwood Fellowship Hall | School holiday Jan 26-27 |
Jan-26-2009 | Activity | Ski Trip | Ski Trip | |
Feb-01-2009 | National | Scout Sunday | ||
Feb-05-2009 | 7:00p-8:00p | Leader Meeting | Kirkwood | Pack Leaders Meeting |
Feb-07-2009 | National | Scout Sabbath | ||
Feb-12-2009 | Roundtable | T.J. High School | Leader's Meeting | |
Feb-12-2009 | 6:00p-7:15p | Den Meeting | Kirkwood | |
Feb-15-2009 | 11:00 AM | Activity | Kirkwood Sanctuary | Scout Sunday - full Uniform arrive 10:45 |
Feb-19-2009 | 6:00p-7:15p | Den Meeting | Kirkwood | |
Feb-23-2009 | Pack Meet | CANCELLED | Blue & Gold Friday instead | |
Feb-27-2009 | Activity | Blue & Gold Dinner | ||
Mar-05-2009 | 7:00p-8:00p | Leader Meeting | Kirkwood | Pack Leaders Meeting |
Mar-07-2009 | Training | Youth Protection, and New Leader Essentials | ||
Mar-12-2009 | Roundtable | T.J. High School | Leader's Meeting | |
Mar-12-2009 | 6:00p-7:15p | Den Meeting | Kirkwood | |
Mar-14-2009 | Activity | National Derby - Springfield Mall | ||
Mar-19-2009 | 6:00p-7:15p | Den Meeting | Kirkwood | |
Mar-21-2009 | Training | University of Scouting | Training | |
Mar-22-2009 | Hiking | Historic Hike Gunston Hall | Ted Johnson | |
Mar-26-2009 | 6:00p-7:15p | Den Meeting | Kirkwood | |
Mar-28-2009 | Service Project | Hidden Pond Cleanup | Service Project | |
Mar-30-2009 | 7:00p-8:00p | Pack Meeting | Kirkwood Fellowship Hall | |
Apr-02-2009 | 7:00p-8:00p | Leader Meeting | Kirkwood | Pack Leaders Meeting |
Apr-16-2009 | Roundtable | T.J. High School | Leader's Meeting--Date Change | |
Apr-19-2009 | Activity | Bike Rodeo | Chris Cooper | |
Apr-27-2009 | 7:00p-8:00p | Pack Meet | Kirkwood Fellowship Hall | |
May-07-2009 | 7:00p-8:00p | Leader Meeting | Kirkwood | Pack Leaders Meeting |
May-14-2009 | Roundtable | T.J. High School | Leader's Meeting | |
May-17-2009 | Activity | Raingutter Regatta | Chuck Smith and Ted Johnson | |
May-26-2009 | 7:00p-8:00p | Pack Meet | Kirkwood Fellowship Hall | Church not available 5/18 or 5/25 |
Jun-04-2009 | 7:00p-8:00p | Leader Meeting | Kirkwood | Annual Planning Meeting |
Jun-11-2009 | Roundtable | T.J. High School | Leader's Meeting | |
Jun-15-2009 | 7:00p-8:00p | Pack Meet | Kirkwood Fellowship Hall | Last day of school June 18 |
Scouting Links
Links for Parents
- The Virtual Cub Scout Leader's Handbook (every parent should visit this site - it has on-line academic and sports pin requirements, rank advancement lists, advancement trackers, and lots of other useful stuff)
- The MacScouter (skits, games, songs, and plenty of other useful stuff)
- Cub Scout Achievement Trackers (Microsoft Excel spreadsheets for tracking achievements)
Links for Leaders
- Boy Scouts of America Homepage
- National Capital Area Council (NCAC) Homepage
- Old Dominion District of NCAC
- Guide to Safe Scouting
- Cub Scout Roundtable (training for Cub Scout leaders)
- Woodbadge Site (the most advanced training available for BSA Scout Leaders)
Area Boy Scout Troops
- Boy Scout Troop 1140 (Kirkwood Presbyterian Church, Springfield, VA)
- Boy Scout Troop 1501 (Messiah United Methodist Church, Springfield, VA)
- Boy Scout Troop 1367 (Woodbridge, VA)
- Pine Tree Web (history of scouting and more)
- Scouting Awards and Insignia
- U.S. Scouting Service Project
- World Wide Scouting Pen Pals
- Global ScoutNet Organization
- Scouter Magazine
- Global Scout NET
- Scoutorama Scouting Online
- On Line CPR Simulator
- Roper Knots Tying Page
- Tying Knots on the Web
- National Jewish Committee on Scouting
- Catholic Committee on Scouting (Diocese of Arlington, Virginia)
- P.R.A.Y (Programs of Religious Activities with Youth)
- National Association of United Methodist Scouters
- Leave No Trace (center for outdoor ethics)
- US National Park Service