Welcome To Paul Silveus' Family Homepage

Silveus Family Portrait from Christmas 1997, my wife Sheila, son Cory and myself
Caution: This homepage is under construction by a novice(I'm learning as I go).
My wife and I are highschool sweethearts who will celebrate our 29th Anniversary
in September. I am a retired U. S. Air Force Master Sargent and presently work at
Dover AFB, Delaware at the 436th AGS's Transient Maintenance Flight.
To view my son's homepage, he has a lot more experience than I,
Click Here
At least until my homepage is complete, and then again after my is complete also.
In April of 1969, I was transfered to the 366th Munitions Maintenance Squadron
of the 366th Tactical Fighter Wing at DaNang VietNam. I was only in Viet Nam for
four months when the Air Force decided that they needed more munitions
maintenance troops in Thailand than they did at DaNang. Some of us went to Ubon
Royal Thai Air Base and I was in the group that went to Udorn Royal Thai Air Base
just 5 miles south of Vientienne Laos. Like most G.I.'s, I took a few pictures while I
was in Viet Nam and Thailand. I am going to put some of the pictures I took of
DaNang on the next page of this homepage. I have also obtained some pictures
taken by a co-worker of mine, Senior Master Sargent Jimmy Jones, retired. He was
at DaNang from February,'71 thru February, '72 as a EC-47 Crew Chief assigned to
the 362nd Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron, not the 366th Tactical Fighter
I recently found out that there is an organization of people assigned to the 366th
from back when the outfit was first created during World War II thru ,roughly,
the present. I am now a member of this organization. It's called the 366 Fighter
Group Association.
If anyone has more pictures of DaNang, e-mail them to me and I'll put them on my
homepage and give your name as the source. A word of caution, I would like to
keep this homepage family oriented, so nothing too personnal. I just want pictures
of the base and its surroundings: Monkey Mountain, Freedom Hill, China Beach,
and of course, Gunfighter Village, etc. AND the one item I'd really like to put in this
home page is a map of the DaNang area or perhaps one of those extreem altitude
photos of the DaNang area.

DaNang Photo Gallery

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