Welcome to Dawn and Dana's Retreat
                   Gesture Creating Page

Welcome to Dawn and Dana's Retreat...

                  Welcome to Dawn and Dana's Retreat
trust that you will find your visit here to be an enjoyable one. To insure a quality custom-made gesture, please be patient while you gesture is being created. For every CREATOR creates for you on their own free time. *smile* Our rules are simple and few, please take a moment and read through them. Thank you for stopping in and PLEASE come back soon.
     1) Please ask to be added to the LIST
     2) Please Do Not IM the CREATORS
     3) Please de-mega upon entering & reserve corners for Staff
     4) Please no abusive Language
  *If anyone would like to be a part of my page, please see Dawn*
       This is my First attempt at a web page, please tell me what u think. *giggle* Be easy on me, LOL (Dawn)


My Staff

Click here to visit the site I made for my sis.(I love you sis)
e-mail Dawn

Gesture Creator

Site Owner &
Gesture Creator


CountDown to the YEAR :

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In Winston -Salem, North Carolina it is:

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