I began raising pedigree cats in 1980 in Niagara on the Lake. At that time it was Himalayans & Persians. When I moved my family north to Muskoka it was time to get really serious. Crooked Creek was registered and I proceeded to buy copper eyed white Persian show cats. They were gorgeous to look at but allot of work.
Next began the hunt. Well back then there were not many breeders to choose from and of course things were the same as now. Not many who would sell you a breeder let alone a show breeder.
I finally got my first pair and proceeded to go to shows usually being the only Birman breeder there. I did not despair. Although it has been a tough struggle we have produced many delightful pets as well as Breed, National & Regional Winners. I pride myself on the personality my cats produce, and the way they behave during the show season. In 1993 Crooked Creeks Precious Promise received top personality in show.
Our 2 dogs and many grandchildren give our cats a chance to adjust well to different life styles. We welcome all inquiries and are only a phone call away to answer the many questions that may crop up from time to time.