Elliotte, Ellis and Hartman Families

Margaret Bescherer

Among Conrad Bescherer's six daughters was Margaret, born 1829 or 1835 by various accounts, apparently the namesake of her mother, Margaretha. Margaret married Farley Ellis, and had a daughter named Mary Ellis (1855-1941) who married Julius Hartman (1849-1926).

Hartmans, Ellises and Elliottes

The Hartmans had two daughters, Jenny and Emma Lee (b. January 4, 1875, d. April 1, 1958). Emma Lee married Frank Elliotte January 21, 1894. Frank was born Julius Franklin Elliotte on August 28, 1873, the son of Burgess A. Elliott (1848-1922) and Delinda Cauble Jacobs Elliott (1832-1912). Frank Elliotte was said to have been of Dutch descent. He had one full brother, David, and two half brothers and two half sisters, who were of the Jacobs family. Frank died March 9, 1965, and left five children: Rose Etta, Annie Eva, Valda Estelle, Nellie Malenne, Julius Alexander Franklin, and Margaret Elizabeth. A great many of their descendents still live in the Salisbury, North Carolina area.

Below - Frank Elliotte (1873-1965) and Emma Lee Hartman Elliotte (1875-1958), Conrad's great-granddaughter.

Conrad's great-granddaughter & her husband

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