Limited Edition
1 - 100

"Friendship Angel"

Hand - Made

One of a Kind

About the Angel:

The Friend Business Women have contracted with artist Rhonda Millhollin of Corning, Iowa, to design a series of unique angels for the next five years. Each angel is individually hand made and therefore is unique, because each angel will be one of a kind. The "Friendship Angel" will be limited to 100 angels. If you are a collector or want a special gift for a special person in your life, check out the order information.

Order Information:

For more information on how to order
a "Friendship Angel" e-mail:

A money order will be requested,
references available upon request.

About the Artist:

Rhonda is a very talented,disciplined and creative artist. Her dream began almost 30 years ago, as a teenager living in Hastings, Nebraska. Rhonda attended an art show where a potter invited her to try her hand at the potter's wheel. She immediately fell in love with the feel and smell of clay.
In 1994 Rhonda used the Harris List of Fine Art Shows in The United States and began applying to juried art shows. In May 1998, Rhonda was the featured artist at the Prairie Wind Art Gallery in Grand Island, Nebraska.
Since 1994, Rhonda has traveled to 5 different states to participate in many juried fine art shows.

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