"I Believe"

Please, enjoy Nansi's Nook, my little corner of the world. I have been internetting since July, 1997. With encouragement I have started this homepage. Actually I have had friends place my words on the web for me. The internet has helped me keep my sanity. I have tried to keep my thoughts focused on just a few things. My family, friends, christianity and my illness, Multiple Sclerosis.

Here I will explain my illness. I was experiencing "foggy" left eye vision in July, 1989. After going to several opthomologist and even one specialized in neurology, no one could tell me what was wrong. To make a long story short. they explained it as optic neuropathy (inflamation of the optic nerve) To this day I have had poor vision in my left eye. I have had several doctors tell me different things. My idea is they were all correct.

Diagnosis' were: Strabismus (misalignment of the two eyes - they point in different directions). They can't focus on an object at the same time. In other words I have 4th nerve palsy. My binocularity is not working. I also have amblyopia (poor vision in an otherwise healthy eye - my left one). For those of you who are familiar with visual evoked potenial testing. I flunked those. I went through 2-1/2 years of opthalmologists to get nowhere. I am basically in the same place I was in the beginning as far as my vision is concerned. I do where glasses for reading with my right eye. I really do not use my left eye for driving or reading, whatever takes concentration.

About the same time I was experiencing vision difficulties, I was having tingling then numbness in my hands and feet, all four extremeties basically equally were feeling strange. My internal medicine doctor sent my to a neurologist. After MRI with contrast imaging dye and a spinal tap in the same 2-1/2 years, I was diagnosed in January, 1992 with chronic progressive Multiple Sclerosis. After all this time, I had done my own research and determined that diagnosis for myself also. This was before we had the benefit of the internet. Thank goodness for public libraries. My neurologist started me on ACTH (adrenocorticocotrophic hormone). It is found in the pituitary gland and stimulates the adrenal gland. I had a series of 24 days of intravenous therapy. I just felt a mild temporary improvement.

During the years since 1992, I have had gradual worsening symptoms: weakness, tingling, numbness, poor coordination, extreme fatigue, poor balance, vision problems, pain and stiffness, leg spasms, slurred speech, unstable walk, bladder problems, memory loss, and foot dragging.

Within the last year I have tried doing Bee Venom Therapy (BVT). I can say that I think it is helping, but there is more to that story than I can go into here. I am also taking the prescription Amantadine which is supposed to be helping my fatigue. I have told friends that if it is helping my fatigue, I would hate to see myself without it. I am also a believer in nutrional supplements. I am currently taking 2 grape seed extract pills, also a dietary supplement to help control my appetite.

Without the support of my husband, Carl, I don't think I could have weathered this storm. which leads me to tell you about Shelter in the Storm. This is a wonderful family of internet friends who support each other in time of need. They assist me in my daily living. They help make life worthwhile. I also have other very wonderful internet friends. I can't forget my local friends and my family who care scattered around the United States. Actually now that I think of it, I have friends and family all over. Maybe some day I will write more about the people in my life.

© 1999 Pamela Hall

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