HASSDA is a regional association of single square dance clubs and single square dancers. The region includes the states of Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Oklahoma. The Association was formed in the spring of 1980. The first Festival of the Association was held in October 1980 in Independence, Mo. The Association holds an Annual Spring Festival that is hosted by member clubs in selected cities.
The 2004 Festival will be in INDEPENDENCE, MO with featured caller DEAN DEDERMAN and Kansas City's local callers/cuers/lines. The Festival will be hosted by the Single Promenaders - Kansas City on April 23-24, 2004 at the Hilton Garden Inn; 19677 E Jackson Drive; Independence, MO; phone number (816) 995-3000 or (800) 445-7667. For information, contact Buck Buchanan at (816) 697-2515 or buckaroo@kcweb.net. The Trail-In Dance will be Thursday evening (April 22, 2003) at 7:30 pm at Ivanhoe Church; 6512 Woodson; Raytown, MO. To receive additional information about fees. hotels, attractions, etc., contact Buck Buchanan as above or Susan Fox, HASSDA Editor, listed under