Sherish's Beachfront Guest Cottage
Here at Genesis Seaside Manor, love and friendship are our constant goal and
abiding endeavor. Seaside Manor is completely devoid of the hostility, deception,
manipulation, and spiritual unrest so often encountered in VP ~ and instead is a
safe place where the concepts of honesty, integrity, true friendship, and love are
not only embraced, but continually practised. Given that premise, Genesis and I
have met and come to know many special people within Seaside Manor ~ among
them one who particularly characterizes steadfast friendship and a truly caring
heart. The lady is known to those in VP as "sherish" ~ and she is indeed a rare
and truly special woman of whom Genesis and I have become very fond. She is
and will always be a warmly welcome guest in our home ~ so much so that we
wanted her to have a lovely cottage all her own, safely ensconced within Seaside
Manor, where she may come and go as she pleases and take time out to relax and
simply unwind. We hope you'll like it and come here often, sherish ~ it is our way
of expressing how very special you are and how much we appreciate and value you
as our dear friend. The keys are in the mailbox, my dear ~ the house is all yours!
With Love ~ Roy and
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This Site Created For And Dedicated In Friendship To Sherish
August 7, 1999