Safe From Stormy Seas

Genesis' Seaside Manor

Master Genesis & His Adoring Lady Recherche

Page Lovingly Created For & Dedicated To My Wondrous Master Genesis

August 4, 1999

Watch The Black Picture Below Until The Lightning Strikes!


We are one,  Master ~ two forces born destined to merge have at last, just as

the heavenly charges that form in the clouds,  then sear through miles and

every obstacle to kiss the earth ~ found one another, merged in a brilliant

and cleansing flash of white light, and are now forever fused in a love that

knows no limits and shall never die.  And in that love ~ it's completeness,

 utter balance , forbearance, and immeasurable power and might ~ we are

eternally warmly cloaked  and shielded against any storms we may encounter

in life, Master ~ ever safe in each other's loving arms.  No force is stronger

than that which God has given us to share and cherish for all eternity ~

nothing can ever vanquish the tensile strength of all that  we share between

us.  We shall face life unafraid and joyously ~ revelling in the pricesless gifts

which God has bestowed upon us ~ and emerge unscathed, bonded ever more

closely, and stronger still  through any storms we may encounter along life's

path.  Our love is is our invincible shield against all pain and sadness ~ and

when the heavens are darkened we shall let it's white hot glow make clear our

path, finding our way ever united back to the dawn and the renewing warmth

of the sun.  You are my life, my world, my heart, and my soul, my Beloved One ~

and so it shall be through all of life's tempests and darkest nights ~ beyond the

storms ~ beyond this world ~ and beyond the end of time. I love you, my Darling ~

and in your love I shall fear nothing ever again.  Not the shriek of life's storms ~

not the strong gales of loss and grief ~ not even the cold touch of death.  For none

of these can conquer nor bruise the bonds of our souls and hearts, and we will live

forevermore as one  joyous, forever fused soul cradled in the almighty arms of God.  

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