Oceanview Master Bedroom ~ Genesis Seaside Manor
Master Genesis & His Adoring Lady Recherche
Page Created & Dedicated With A Loving Heart To My Wondrous Master Genesis
August 3, 1999
Ahhh, Master ~ how lovely to wake to the sight of you, gazing out over the sea, your mind already planning another miraculous day of love, warmth, and utter happiness for us as we revel in one another's company. I see, you stinker, that you have already crept downstairs so as not to wake me and made the morning's lovely fresh ground coffee. How handsome you are standing there, bathed in the sun's first kiss of the day, your hair ruffled, your face completely serene, and your beautiful body radiating strength and tone and glowing in the burnished dawn light. For the trillionth time, I think to myself while beholding your wondrous countenance how very blessed I am that Our Heavenly Father could possibly have seen fit to bestow upon me the miraculous gift of you ~ and the vast, priceless, and cherished treasure of your love. For it is my heart's burning desire to always find favor in God's eyes sufficient to earn the privilege of loving you, my Darling One, until the end of all time. There never was, is not now, nor ever can be, a man and Master as good, pure, loving, faithful, and honest as you ~ and in my eyes, no man ever has, does, or will exist who could even remotely approach taking your place so deep within my heart. I love and adore and cherish you, Master ~ your every facet. And nothing ~ not the winds of time, the sorrows life sometimes brings ~ not even departure from this earthly life ~ will ever halt, alter, or tarnish that love. I am yours, My Wondrous Master ~ utterly and completely ~ for evermore. Click Here To View Next Seaside Manor Oceanview Room Click Here To View Lady Recherche's Site Table Of Contents Master Genesis And I Love Receiving Your E-Mail ~ Just Click Below!
Ahhh, Master ~ how lovely to wake to the sight of you, gazing out over the sea,
your mind already planning another miraculous day of love, warmth, and utter
happiness for us as we revel in one another's company. I see, you stinker, that
you have already crept downstairs so as not to wake me and made the morning's
lovely fresh ground coffee. How handsome you are standing there, bathed in the
sun's first kiss of the day, your hair ruffled, your face completely serene, and your
beautiful body radiating strength and tone and glowing in the burnished dawn
light. For the trillionth time, I think to myself while beholding your wondrous
countenance how very blessed I am that Our Heavenly Father could possibly have
seen fit to bestow upon me the miraculous gift of you ~ and the vast, priceless, and
cherished treasure of your love. For it is my heart's burning desire to always find
favor in God's eyes sufficient to earn the privilege of loving you, my Darling One,
until the end of all time. There never was, is not now, nor ever can be, a man and
Master as good, pure, loving, faithful, and honest as you ~ and in my eyes, no man
ever has, does, or will exist who could even remotely approach taking your place so
deep within my heart. I love and adore and cherish you, Master ~ your every facet.
And nothing ~ not the winds of time, the sorrows life sometimes brings ~ not even
departure from this earthly life ~ will ever halt, alter, or tarnish that love. I am
yours, My Wondrous Master ~ utterly and completely ~ for evermore.
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