Nightfall At Genesis Seaside Manor

The Ocean's Lullaby

Master Genesis And His Adoring Lady Recherche

Page Lovingly Created For & Dedicated To My Beloved Master Genesis

August 5, 1999

The end of the day, my Beloved ~ another of so many made joyous beyond

measure by the wonder of your love.  The night was once my enemy ~ it

stalked me and unleashed all things I feared most.  But now, whole and

complete in your love, it is what God intended it to be; a time of serenity

and peace, reflection on the glorious day passed, and joyous anticipation

of another day soon to be born ~ its every moment savored in the warmth

and wonderment of your love.  Each evening now, I come to you and enter

your soul ~ nestling deep and slumbering there, protected and utterly safe

from  every ghost and haunting specter of the past ~ for  you have slain

them all with the might and ferocity of your abiding love.  And as I nestle

there, the beat of your dear, brave heart my lullaby and beating in unison

with my own, how sweet the respite ~ how peaceful and filled with love

and joy the dreams upon which I float the whole night through! There are

  no words to express the depth and power of my love for you, my cherished

Master  ~ for it is so spiritual, of such great depth, and so eternal as to

surpass all miracles and mere words ~ or,  for that matter  ~ all things

deemed the most precious and rare upon the face of the earth.  Our love

exceeds all earthly bonds, surpasses the farthest reaches of the universe,

and renews itself eternally in the place of its birth ~ God's own Kingdom

above.  For it is God who breathed life into both of us, set our feet upon

this earth, helped us to grow in stature, and then, in the fruition of His

time and guidance, united us in bonds of incredible love longed for by all

mankind, yet known to only a precious few.  Every night of our lives we

shall quietly, in those twilight moments, share a time of prayer and praise

to Him for this wondrous gift ~ rededicating ourselves to His service and the

cherished, loving union He created between us.  Then, our very souls fused

 now and forevermore, we'll drift off into the velvet night ~ embraced in and

cradled by wondrous sleep until the morning sun heralds a new and shining

day.  I love you, my One ~ with all of my heart, mind, body and soul.  I shall

love you until the very last star falls from the sky ~ and another forever beyond.

 For I am adoringly, devoutly, completely, and forever  ~ yours.  


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