Phil and Lang's Home Page

Phil and Lang in love

Phil and Lang on Mount Cambewarra overlooking Kangaroo Valley, Southwest of Sydney. Lang was seven months pregnant with our second child, Johnathan. Our first son Michael, then three years old, took the photograph.

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Michael's Picture Gallery

Our Family

Lang Kissing Jessica

Our Family

Emily is the latest addition to our family and now 1 year old. She's so sweet and beautiful and content with her life - always happy to give anyone her eight-teeth grin to brighten their day. She is also very understanding about her brothers' and sister's affectionate cuddling. She crawls skillfully now and is quite efficient at exploring the cupboards and drawers within reach. Being extremely inquisitive, she enjoys examining and taste-testing everything her hands can grab. She also enjoys swimming, or rather being pushed around in her floatie by the boys and Jessica.
Jessica is a beautiful, bright, happy and healthy almost 3 year old. She likes playing pretend games with her dolls, sticks, rocks, strings and anythng else her brothers have. She is adept at learning new words and practising them and loves being read books. She is a real little girl though and prefers dresses over shorts and hair tied up with pretty hairclips in them. This doesn't last long though because she still joins in all the rough and tumble games that her brothers plays. She enjoys most spending time with her precious Daddy, just like her little sister.
Johnathan is five years old and enjoying Kindergarten this year. He has energy to burn, and keeps us all on our toes. He dotes on his big brother and little sisters and is very quick to forgive & forget. He enjoys playing with his dinosaurs, bionicles and beyblades. His favourite past-time is cuddling Emi, sitting on Jessica's head and telling jokes with Michael. Besides making up funny songs, he loves dancing! Turn on music and he bops away (We're not sure where he gets that from). He has a great laugh and is very lovable and cuddly.
Michael is 8 years old. He is now in year three at school. He enjoys school, especially maths, computers and reading. Playing in the playground with his mates is pretty cool too. He loves to give hugs and kisses and is very protective and caring of his little brother and sisters. He has the typical strong sense of being the "big brother" or "Dai Go Go" and is very responsible, reliable and considerate. He has a great sense of humour and an extremely infectious laugh. The most amazing and insightful comments can come out of his mouth.

Family Links
More photos at our Online Photo Album
Family Guess-a-Word
Phil's Master Mind
Mortgage Calculator
Parents' Place
Focus on the Family - James Dobson
Family Life Ministries
Parent Soup
Baby Center

As close as Michael and Johnathan will get to a pet dog!

Things we like to do
More than anything else, we love spending time together.
We enjoy going to church, dining out, flying kites, discovering new places, going on holidays, feeding ducks, eating ice cream, picnics in the park and especially spending time with the kids' Uncles & Aunties.

The kids having a ride on their pet donkey.
The girls with Johnathan in the background
Phil and the kids

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Cabramatta Vineyard Church
Vineyard Australia
Association of Vineyard Churches Online Bible
Daily Devotional - Neil Anderson
Moments Together for Couples
Christian Web Directory
Koorong Bookshop
Time & Date World Clock
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Blue Mountains Accomodation
Choice Magazine
Bread Recipes
Virtual Florist
Animated Greeting Cards
Bulldogs Rugby League
Dickinson Autocon
Phil Loves Lang website

Last Updated : 19th December, 2004