to the Shelton Family's Homepage!
We're pretty excited about these web pages.
We're new at this so it was alot of fun
putting them together.
We all hope you enjoy!
We're The Shelton's.
Michael Sr., Jennifer, Michael Jr., Samantha,
William, Desiree, and Nathan.
With a family as big as ours our free time is usually
spent as a bunch. We enjoy fishing, camping,
movies, traveling, games, swimming, and racing.
We've gotten pretty into home remodeling too!
Right now we're planning on a big move into a
new house. We're all anxious about it. We have
lots of plans ahead of us and look forward to
each one. From remodeling, decorating, farming,
and gardening, I'd say we have our load cut out
for us.
Mike and Jennifer have been working on a
family race car too. We're anxious about it also.
Each Saturday we'll be taking it to the drag strip
in our area to race it. We've already come a long
way with it. Wish us luck!
The children will be starting school on
August 24th. Michael will be in the sixth
grade, Samantha will be in the fifth grade,
William will be in the third grade, and
Desiree will be starting preschool. They're
all happy about going back...I think every
kid gets excited about "back to school" bad it doesn't last the whole year
through! Luckily though, they all at least stay
interested and do good.
We're proud of them all and the progress
they've each made.
Each of the children have put together
thier own pages for you to see. They tell
a little bit about themselves in thier own
words...whether it be likes or dilikes, school,
favorites, and of course they included some
of thier own favorite site links.

Here are their pages:
Michael's Page
Samantha's Page
William's Page
Desiree's Page
Nathan's Page
As for Jennifer and Michael...
We're like two people who's found their
rainbows after a long, hard rainfall. You
couldn't separate us if your life depended
on it.
We wish the same on your lives.
Here's our pages:
Michael's Page and Jennifer's page
God Bless You!