Ever Feel Like You're The Only

Mother in Florida Who Stays Home?

You are not alone!

Come meet other at-home mothers

at the

MOMS Club logo

There are chapters all over Pinellas, Pasco, Hillsborough and Sarasota Counties

We're probably in your area already!

The MOMS Club is a support group just for you, today's at-home mother. You're interested in the world around you, you want a variety of activities for you and your children and you're proud of your choice of at-home mothering!

Internationally, the MOMS Club has hundreds of chapters that include over 40,000 members around the world! We are the only international support group specifically for all at-home mothers and we'd like to have you as a member, too!

The MOMS Club is:

The MOMS Club does:

For information about finding a chapter in your area or starting your own chapter, write to:

The International MOMS Club 25371 Rye Canyon Valencia, CA 91355

Or email our international headquarters at momsclub@aol.com

Mom and Infant

Our Mission:

The MOMS Club (Moms Offering Moms Support) is a non-profit orginization aimed at providing support and education for all mothers. We want to help you to feel good about your decision to stay home with your children and give you the opportunity to share activities with other at-home mothers and their children.

Our goals are:

Activity Groups:

The MOMS Club sponsors Activity Groups for members with common interests. These change as interests change, but include activities such as: children's playgroups, recipe clubs, book discussion groups, arts & crafts, cookie exchanges, Mom's Night Out, Date Nights, and family activities.

Bring Your Children!

We believe being a mother shouldn't isolate you, so you may bring your children with you to anything we do, but please remember that you are responsible for your child'ssafety and behavior. Babies are always welcome and you may nurse at our meetings. We're all mothers here and many of us have nursed our own children. If your baby becomes fussy, please be considerate of any speakers and move to another area until your child has quieted.


Our dues run between $15 and $30 a year and pay for newsletters, supplies, speakers, etc. You may attend two meetings before you decide to become a member. We understand that being a mother-at-home often means a tight family budget, so if the dues would be a hardship for your family please call one of our officers.

Welcome Newcomers!

Come visit our next meeting! Our chapter is always open to new members. You probably won't be the only new person there! Although some of us have lived here for years and are experienced mothers, many of us are new to the area or to motherhood! We all have one thing in common - the MOMS Club introduced us to other moms who stay home...the ones that soon became our friends.

kids at play


© 1997

The name MOMS Club® and slogan MOMS Offering Moms Support® are registered and used with permission. This website is designed for informational purpose for the MOMS Club of North Pinellas West members and prospective members and meets the website guidelines for local chapters set forth by the National MOMS Club.

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