Missionary Training Center

You made it! : ) Here you will find some pictures taken while I was in the MTC(Missionary Training Center) in July-October of 1992. While in the MTC I was in a "district" of 10 missionaries. We all took our classes together, ate meals together, and spent our free time together. I was able to get to know each individual on a personal and spiritual basis as we all grew and learned about the teachings of the Gospel. We were also able to attend the temple once or twice a week. I was preparing to go to a foreign country in which I would need to learn a new language, so I was to spend 8 weeks in the MTC. But...visas were a problem and so part of my district as well as others traveling to foreign countries were called to serve in the telecenter which is a place where I was given the opportunity to speak with non-members who had ordered a church video as well as check on new members and ask them some questions on how they joined the church. It was an awesome experience. After about 4 weeks there I was asked to serve in the Arkansas-Little Rock Mission to wait for my visa there. I miss the spirit that was felt in the MTC as well as all of the great talks that were given by the members of the 70 and Quarum of the 12.(I some times crave the novajo tacos,too!) Click on the text below to see the enlarged pictures.

Here's a picture of my awesome MTC district

A fun game of district v-ball

Mmmmmmm...Yummy MTC food

The ever famous missionary point picture

Working in the Telecenter

The dreaded bon voyage

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