Sarah's Playgroup's Mews-Letter

Issue 2 - September 2, 1998

Meows! We are growing so fast! There are now over 75 members in Sarah's Playgroup. How exciting!

Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 2 years old. I should start getting some respect around here now! No longer a "baby" kitty. For my birthday, Rascal and his daddy, Mike moved out! Yippee! I don't know if that was suposed to be my birthday present or not but it happened yesterday so it must have been. Now I can get some sleep without having to watch for Rascal out of the corner of my eye. Thanks to those of you that sent me birthday greetings. Another member, Ginger Boo has a birthday on the 18th. Happy Birthday Ginger Boo!
Thanks to The Mighty Meow Club for this:

We've had two more winners in our Cat of the Month contest. July's winner was Alex and August's winner was Amadeus . You can learn more about them by going here. Entries are now being accepted for September so send them in! One change that is being made in the voting process is that only members will be able to vote for the Cat of the Month. Non-members can still enter but to make the voting more fair, only members will be able to vote and only one vote per member.

In the last update, we promised a couple of spotlight sites. Too many things kept us busy this summer but those should be up soon. We apologize to those sites we picked already that haven't been given their place of honor. We didn't forget and will get to it soon.

One big thing is that we changed web locations. We were having problems at the other place so mom thought she'd try this one out. At least for now, the old address will still work but if you get a chance to change your bookmarks and links, that would make your access quicker. Our new web address is: /Heartland/Flats/9897/. Our e-mail address is We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any problems, please let us know.

Issue 1 - July 6th, 1998

Meows! We've been in existence for about two months now and we have over 40 members! I've been having so much fun playing with my new friends and I'm not so scared of strangers anymore. Well, maybe a little bit but it's getting better!

There have been lots of changes going on at my house. My sister Mariah moved out this week. She never liked me anyway so I don't really miss her but mommy does. She went back to live with her first mommy which is my mommy's mommy - okay that's a little confusing. She lived with her first mommy, Jeanne, for about 8 years and then came to live with Jeanne's daughter, Mary, for about 3 years and now she's going back with Jeanne. She now lives with another member, Pumpkin , who doesn't like her too much either but I'm sure they will get used to each other. Mariah's been pretty sick lately so mommy thought she'd be better off there where someone is home all day. Plus, our cousin Rascal came to live with us and I guess 4 cats was more than our landlord could handle! That's the other thing, our uncle Mike and his cat, Rascal, are staying with us for a couple of months. I don't like Mike at all but I'm starting to get along with Rascal. Don't tell him but he's kind of fun to play with (I don't think he can read yet so I'm sure he's not seeing this!). Anyway, things are pretty good here - 3 of us that get along!

We've already had two winners for the Cat of the Month contest. May's winner was Polly and June's winner was Tabakitty . You can learn more about them by going here. We already have a few entries for July. Additional entries for July can be sent in until July 24th when voting opens. Please be sure to stop by and vote for your favorite!

Mommy and I are working on something new that will spotlight member's pages. We will pick a new page each month and showcase it at the playgroup. Please be looking for that. We hope to have a July site up in the next couple of days.

We've got a bunch of banners in our Banner Exchange program. Be sure to stop by and visit the great sites listed!

One more fun thing, we have created a crossword puzzle that you and your humans can try out. You can find it here. If you solve it, you will get a special prize!

Well that's all for now. Mommy and I are constantly trying to come up with something new and if you have any ideas please send them to us! Back to the playing...

If there's anything you'd like to see in next month's mews-letter, e-mail your submissions or suggestions to:

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